Obviously as CEO I SHOULD be most qualified to do this, but keep seeing the #roamcult do a better job.
A part of me really wants to do something with this like we did with themes.
Open it up to our userbase, showcase the different landing pages that users have designed
But something feels off about it
Also definitely feels like obviously the best way for us to get best work.
What? We say we'll give a $2,000 prize, $10,000 prize to the person with the landing page with the best conversions?
Even when much higher than the winner would make per hour if we contracted them...
Over time, a landing page with 5% higher conversions means a much bigger userbase, many more getting benefit, but also more money
We have more resources now, but feels disgusting to say - now that we have more money let's spend it on pretegious "top talent" or big name consultants
But feeling like the folks who would be MOST upset if we crowdsourced the design of our marketing pages would be those who already have lots of opportunities, can already get high price consulting contracts... the "entrenched interests"