Before the tragic murders of George Floyd & Breonna Taylor sparked massive #BlackLivesMatter protests around the world — @AyannaPressley introduced the People’s Justice Guarantee.

1. shared power
2. freedom
3. equality
4. safety
5. dignity
Let’s break down what this means. A thread.
It’s necessary that people directly impacted by the system, both drive & inform the solutions to end it. The #JusticeGurantee prioritized this input & outlined exactly what this moment demands.
▪️repeal the worst tenets of the ‘94 crime bill
▪️decriminalize substance use, sex work, homelessness
▪️end the cradle to prison pipeline
▪️condition fed funding for mass decarceration at state/local level
▪️enhance oversight of police and prosecutors
▪️end qualified & absolute immunity
▪️decriminalize poverty: ending fines and fees, cash bail
▪️repeal AEDPA and PLRA
▪️invest in public defender offices
▪️provide resources for survivors of crime
▪️reduce gun violence
▪️fund community-led trauma and violence interruption programs
▪️ demilitarize police depts
▪️invest in non-police emergency first responder programs
Oregon’s CAHOOTS program is a successful and effective model.
Read up on it. Urge your lawmakers to fund it. Harris County took a major step this week in funding such a program.…
▪️health care for all
▪️safe and stable housing
▪️fed jobs guarantee & living wages
▪️free public transit
▪️Green New Deal
As @avitale writes these proposals are “worthy” of consideration in the push to defund police:…

We must create a world that is safe for everyone—and we should start by adopting the tenets of the #JusticeGuarantee.
Anything less will always fall short of the justice we seek.
Encourage your federal representatives to cosponsor and urge state/local officials to file legislation to make the #JusticeGuarantee a reality & transform our communities.…