A thread.
@ARCCollective @VestsCanada
Part 1: Pat rolls up on his motorcycle. It seems he is immediately recognized by protesters. His supporters are chanting "all lives matter" because of course they are.
He revs his engine to try to drown out the crowd... (2/)
One of King's friends refers to the protesters as "leftist pieces of shit." (3/)
Part 2: King'a friend: "You fucking liberals don't fucking work. If you would fucking work, you'd be at fucking work."
The same guy then says that nothing needs to be explained to him because he has more experience than... (4/)
King gets heated over people being near his bike. His friend and @TownofInnisfail council member Glen Carritt comes to help. (5/)
King and friends claim they were just trying to stop for gas and this is what happened to them.
More "leftists piece of shit."
King talking about how fast he gets arrested for... (6/)
Carrie and a friend start calling people sheep.
King uses the genocide of the Indigenous to try to downplay #BlackLivesMatter. (7/)
Part 3: Pat wants to know about his rights.
After being confronted by someone, Pat tells a protester to "back his hoes up."
Carrie eventually tells Pat that something he did was "so awesome." Pat claims he had no idea what was going. (8/)
Someone suggests everyone try to be neighbourly. Carrie: "You can't be neighbourly with people who don't belong here." (9/)
As far as this video goes, this seems to be where the altercation ends. (10/)
Of course, Glen Carritt who is on the town council also pushes the idea that BLM and "antifa" are... (13/)