In no particular order, let's begin.
@VestsCanada @ARCCollective @CCAR780 @JaneQCitizen @YYCantiracist
After harassing a mosque, however, the Wolves of Odin were denounced. (2/)
There was also a strong online presence and country-wide opposition networks forming.(7/)
Their rally was quickly shutdown by counter-protesters, but members of these hate groups joined the yellow vests rally. (8/)
WCAI and C3 had a rally that afternoon in which immigrants were called trash and the 14 words were recited. Later, they marched and assaulted a counter-protester. (9/)
Those initial rallies may have just happened at the right time and in the right place to bring those numbers out... (13/)
And what kind of conversations would they be having? Their reasons for organizing became... (14/)
While this worked in their own echo chambers, I have to keep hoping those conversations wouldn't work in broader society. (15/)
He claims to have been behind the initial vest rallies... (17/)
Dean was also seen by the Edmonton yellow vests as someone who was just trying to sell merchandise. (18/)