IAEA chief—"For over 4 months Iran has denied us access to 2 locations & for almost a year, it has not engaged in substantive discussions to clarify our questions related to possible undeclared nuclear material & nuclear-related activities."

Iran violated its nuclear obligations, even after the 2015 nuclear deal w/ Obama
Iran's Atomic Energy Org chief:
"We did not fill the Arak heavy water reactor w/ cement."
"We had already purchased pipes like those filled... Only Khamenei knew."
"For one thing, we already know of many Iranian violations (or likely violations) of the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA)."
And this is prior to U.S. President Donald Trump exiting the deal.
8 December 2015
Tehran violated the deal by refusing to fully cooperate with the IAEA investigating the Possible Military Dimensions of its nuclear program.

7 July 2016
Germany’s domestic intel agency annual report states Iran pursued a “clandestine” path toward obtaining illicit nuclear technology & equipment from German companies “at what is, even by international standards, a quantitatively high level.”
6 June 2017
The Iranians have produced excess heavy water, illegally, at least twice, which they sold for profit.
29 August 2017
IAEA inspectors — and the West itself — are severely limited in their ability to monitor Iranian compliance with the JCPOA.
Iran's refusal to allow international inspections of its’ military sites is itself a violation of the Iran deal. The relevant language of the JCPOA states (see Annex I, Q Access, pg. 23).

20 Sep 2017
The Iranians have exceeded the limits on advanced centrifuge research and development, by assembling more than a half dozen IR-8 rotor assemblies and operating 13-15 IR-6 centrifuges in a single cascade.

1 Oct 2017
Iran is likely violating Section T, banning “activities which could contribute to the development of a nuclear explosive device” e.g. using computer models simulating a nuclear bomb, or designing multi-point, explosive detonation systems.
9 Oct 2017
German intelligence has reported that in 2015 and 2016, when the U.S. was still part of the JCPOA, Iran attempted more than one hundred times to obtain illicit nuclear technology, which may be in violation of the deal.
10 Oct 2017
Iranian opposition coalition NCRI, released in 2017 critical information showing that Iran’s research & development activities, as well as nuclear activities, were continuing at the Parchin military site, out of reach of IAEA inspectors.
The NCRI first blew the whistle Iran’s clandestine nuclear activities in two major sites, Natanz and Arak, back in August 2002.
This thread sheds more light.
1 May 2018
Israel exposed much of what the Iranians had been hiding from the IAEA. All violations of Iran’s nuclear obligations prior to U.S. President Donald Trump exiting the 2015 nuclear deal.
13 November 2018
Iran “has the know-how to build a bomb fairly swiftly, perhaps in a matter of months, said David Albright, a physicist who runs the nonprofit Institute for Science and International Security in Washington, D.C.”

2 July 2019
“Iran violates nuclear deal, exceeds 300 kg limit on enriched uranium”
This demonstrates that Iran’s announcement that it had surpassed the 300-kilogram cap is in direct violation of the 2015 nuclear deal.
4 Nov 2019
Iran's Atomic Energy Org chief Ali Akbar Salehi:
"... when you enter negotiations, you may accept something, but you have countermeasures... your opponent, who thought you were trapped, suddenly sees you are continuing your enrichment?"
27 April 2020
“Iran's uranium enrichment program provides, by itself, a major justification for continued U.S. and international sanctions. A snapback of sanctions under the JCPOA is fully justified today.”

Important reminder:
John Kerry, Barack Obama's secretary of state, clearly acknowledged that Iran's regime would use money released by the JCPOA to further support terrorism.
Again, this was far prior to President Trump exiting the deal.
This is an excellent take on Iran & the JCPOA.
“The JCPOA allowed Iran to persist in rogue behavior—including its sponsorship of terrorism across the Middle East and beyond.’”
For those interested, this is the Iran segment from the IAEA chief's remarks.