Credit where due, there *IS* a pandemic on.
"Cloud services and license support revenues were $6.8 billion, up 1% YoY and 3% in constant currency. "
There's no YoY number there there. Uh oh.
@jordannovet says... down 22%. Ouch.
This is interesting to me because of what it's not-- it's not a Database deal leveraged for cloud. It's a pure @oraclecloud play as best I can tell. That's a big deal.
"We had this workload on @awscloud and now it's on @oraclecloud for massive cost savings" is quite another story.
I think we disagree on something fundamental here, Oracle.
Um, yes. Left to their own devices, a thing that grows will eventually eclipse a thing that shrinks. That is how size works.
I dream bigger; I want to see @OracleCloud pull a brand refresh and become something serious for more cloud native shops.
Good god, Gartner put Cisco WebEx ahead of Zoom!
"The world's only second generation autonomous cloud."
"Your data transfer pricing is fair and transparent" is the real answer here.
I like the Etc. category the most.
Uh... buddy.
Go spin up a Wordpress site in any cloud provider, then come talk to me.
"Within hours of the first Oracle deployment, @OracleCloud supported hundreds of thousands of simultaneous meeting participants."
That sounds right and I want to believe it but... see Larry's previous comments.
It's not where @oraclecloud's future is; it's the past. There's a better way here.
This is like watching my grandpa try to beat the crap out of your grandpa. You just kinda feel sorry for everyone.
How about instead I spin up an account and kick the tires myself? Oh, right; these are financial analysts. That's like Boeing telling them to go fly the planes themselves, isn't it.
YES! That's "the future" you're staring at. The question is, will @oraclecloud capture it, or let it slip away?
Ehhhhh... I would not frame it that way. The pricing? Yes. The pricing TRANSPARENCY? By a landslide.
But clouds aren't just "during a demo" capability stories. Reputations are built over years.
Uh... if you can run "the thing in your cloud" onsite on customer equipment, I have some questions for you.