Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid, commonly called a steroid (not the anabolic kind). In addition to many other effects, it can reduce the inflammatory resonse caused by an out of control immune system. 3/
“Calming the Storm: Immunomodulators.
Perhaps, the key to treating the cytokine storm lies in finding the right balance between an immune response strong enough to fight the virus but not so strong that it damages the body’s tissues...” 7/
“....The immune response needed when the virus is multiplying rapidly differs greatly from what is appropriate a few hours later when the viral infection is slowing down due to a counterattack....” 8/
“....Treating patients with the right immunomodulating drug at the wrong time could worsen the disease. Attempting to modulate the immune response may reduce the severity of the infection or could lead to a fatal outcome...” 9/