It is an inherited blood disease, that causes the red blood cells to have sickle shape thereby, disrupting the free flow of blood & oxygen in the body. #KnowYourGenotype
They may also look pale due to shortage of blood
as a result of the sudden breakdown of red blood cells in the body .
✅ High fluid intake
✅ Healthy diets
✅ Folic acid supplements
✅ Pain medication
✅ Use of antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of infections. #SickleCellAwareness
& #KnowYourGenotype before getting married. Genotype test helps to identify couples who are carriers of the sickle cell traits #KnowYourGenotype
Approximately, 500,000 children are born with this health condition every year & 50% of them die before the age of 5. #SickleCellAwareness #KnowYourGenotype