@RothSebastian @csdings @Goldammerfeder@c_drosten@apsmunro@BallouxFrancois@RenzPolster@jankalbitzer “In der Anfangszeit der Pandemie gab es das Problem, dass man in der Öffentlichkeit zwei Personen etabliert hat, Christian Drosten von der Charité und Lothar Wieler vom RKI. Das hat natürlich den fatalen Eindruck erweckt, dass hier nur zwei Leute beraten oder sogar entscheiden.“
Thread: 1) The German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine @DGKJ_eV
has published a scientific opinion on school attendance of children and adolescents in coordination with their convent societies and in cooperation with the @BVKJ : dgkj.de/fileadmin/user…
2) In order to enable children and adolescents to develop healthily, we support school attendance under special conditions. For children with previous illnesses, an individual risk assessment with a pediatrician and specialist may be necessary, hence the key messages:
3) "Basically, it can be assumed that children / adolescents with chronic illnesses that are well treated ... and that their quality of life are little impaired ... have no higher risk for more serious # COVID19 than they generally have. Correspond to life risk. "
@maischberger@HelmutMarkwort There is no doubt,@fromTGA we can achieve this! @HelmutMarkwort@focusonline also pointed out it would be a catastrophe for both,the UK&Europe if the UK left the EU. You need allies from all society groups across Europe. Citizens telling, they don't want you to leave. @julie4nw