India's Valiant Jawans Broke Neck of PLA Soldiers
1. Using most "Primitive fight methods", Indian Soldiers launched most brutal Counter-attack against PLA in Galwan Valley after Commanding Officer Col Babu was killed
2. They broke the necks of Chinese soldiers.1/n
3. Indians joined by #Ghatak troops unleashed a reign of terror.
4. PLA had tough time handling their dead soldiers with broken/severed limbs.
5. Dead Chinese soldiers bodies were scattered all over the ridge.
7. Ghatak troops are experts in close quarter battle
8. Many Chinese soldiers had their necks dangling& many their faces smashed with stones & were beyond recognition 2/n
10. Soldiers were chanting War-cries, as avenged the death of their CO.
11. Attacks & Counterattacks went on for 4 hours.
12. Indian soldiers snatched the swords & rods from Chinese and killed enemies using those. 4/n
14. They were among those who were released on Friday.
15. This is story of our Brave Indian Soldiers. #JaiHind