KY Dem governor Beshear issues panicky orders to kung flu-proof the primaries after delaying them a month.
A GOP state rep sued to reopen polling places…
Beshear, who won by virtue of the Democrats driving out hundreds of thousands of voters in Louiville last year who ONLY voted in the governor race; GOP swept the rest.
See, it started with McGrath in 2018.
She still lost, but it was close.
ANYWAYS. Matt Jones at that point has his radio show and had a new television show.
Then Amy McGrath tried to get him booted off radio.
KY gubernational politics are fucking WEIRD if you couldn't tell.
And the far left idiots bought into the Dems own propaganda which was directed at undecided voters, and are now pushing this guy named Booker to challenge McConnell.
Booker's stronghold is Louisville.
Typical Dem hellscape. Large crime rate, US capital of human trafficking.
So, Booker at the last minute now is getting Matt Jones to endorse him, which for Matt Jones (I've listened to him for years for sports radio) is probably more of a 'FUCK YOU' to Amy McGrath and the Dems than anything else.
Rural Kentucky.
Where McGrath's base of Dem voters is.
Matt Jones has a LOT more sway in Lexington than Louisville, as he and UofLouisville have also feuded for over a decade.
Both cities got fucked, the rurals didn't.
Who doesn't stand a fucking chance against McConnell.
Because here's the real deal that's going on right now:
There's an unspoken deal between the GOP and the Dems in Kentucky.
In exchange GOP gets the lion share of congress seats
And the entire Dem party came down on his head.
Seriously. More state legal resources were spent in Beshear and Bevin's legal slapfights than virtually any other efforts over those four years.
And now Kentucky is declining back into its former shithole status.
So I'm done. I'm out. Gone. Already got an offer in on a condo in another state closer to my family. Putting my money where my mouth is and all that.
I'm out.