The most precious gem on earth.
Dating back to more than 5000 yrs, this Diamond has a legendary History from times of Mahabharata.
The original name of this diamond is "SYAMANTAKA MANI".
@Sanjay_Dixit @mariawirth1
Explore the following thread

In earliest times, India that is Bharat was very famous for it's diamonds, gems & jewels.
Many sources quote that Bhagawat Puran connects the history of SAMANTIK (Syamantaka) MANI with Surya Dev (Sun God).
@ShefVaidya @sankrant
@LostTemple7 @sikka_harinder
As per Blue Vanquisher: Krishna Triology 2 by @authormanoshi
King Satrajit, ruler of Satrapur (small neighboring Kingdom of Dwarka) & a devotee of Surya Dev pleased him & got blessed by him with this precious diamond called SYAMANTAKA MANI.

Syamantaka Mani emanted radiance as lustrous as the Sun.
It's possession meant wealth & prosperity and it did made Raja Satrajit so rich that he started distributing gold.
Raja Satrajit suspects Krishna for missing of his brother Prasen.
Hence Krishna goes to find out Satrajit's brother Prasen and the diamond.
He meets Jambavan, engages fight with him which lasted for 28 days.
Krishna wins & Jambavan releases Krishna as Supreme Lord.
Surya Dev than bestows the Syamantaka Mani to Karna.
The jewel than passes from Karna to Arjun to Yudhisthira to Yuvraj Parikshit (Arjun's grandson) than to his son Janmejeya.
After the reign of Pandava, the registered History of this diamond is not known.
The book "History of Kohinoor" by NB Sen mentions how this diamond passes from Hindu King Vikramaditya of Gwalior to Mughals
Babur - Humayun
Shah Jahan
Nadir Shah of Persia
Afgan ruler Ahmad Shah Abdali
Shah Shuja
Sikh ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh
When Nadir Shah from Persia invaded INDIA, he took possession of this diamond & he was so dazzled by it's beauty & lustre that he exclaimed in wonder
which means Mountain of Lights.
Koh-i-Noor is a Persian word.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very fond of Koh-i-Noor.
He used to adorn the diamond in his crown, studded in his armlet (bazu-band) but only on special state occasions.
Before his death, Maharaja Ranjit Singh wished that Koh-i-Noor be sent to #Jagannath Puri temple.
But his Sirdars refused n Maharaja soon died.
An extract from book "History of Koh-i-Noor" by NB Sen.

1) Blue Vanquisher: Krishn Triology2 by @authormanoshi
2) History of Koh-i-Noor by NB Sen, 1953.
Refered by @subhra2jyoti
3) Image courtesy: Google
4) iskcondesiretree.com/profiles/blogs…
5) Kohinoor pics: kohinoordiamond.org/kohinoor-diamo…
6) artofliving.org/in-en/culture/…