Banda Singh Bahadur was born on 27th Oct 1670 at Rajauri, Poonch, present day Jammu district of UT J&K.
His birth name was Lachman Dev.
He is also know by names Madho Das Bairagi & Gur Bakhash Singh.
He was very fond of hunting.
Because of this hobby he once aimed & killed a pregnant deer.
The pain of the deer dying in front of him disturbed him a lot.
He than decided to become an Ascetic.
He was just 15 years old than.
After growing up, he became disciple of Janaki Daas.
Here after, he came to be known as Madho Daas.
Later he had set up his ashram at Nader and became well known for his miraculous powers.
Madho Daas first met Guru Gobind Singh in 1708 at the age of 38.
Daas initially tried to humiliate Guru but in vain.
He than fells at Guru's feet & offers himself as his 'Banda'(Sevak).
Guru Gobind Singh named him as Gur Bakhash Singh, gave 'amrit' & baptized to Sikhism.
Banda Singh Bahadur fought 5 Victorious battles against Mughals.
The famous battle is of Chappar Chiri near Sirhind Fatehgarh in 1710 where Wazir Khan (Sirhind) was killed.
Wazir Khan was one who burried alive Guru's younger sons Zorawar Singh & Fateh Singh.
After this victorious win, Banda Singh Bahadur established his authority in Punjab from Sutlej to Yamuna.
He abolished Zamindari system.
He made Mukhlisgarh village as his capital & changed name to 'Lohgarh' which means 'Fortress of Steel'.
In 1715 Mughals managed to enter his fortress & captured Banda Bahadur n other SIKHS.
He was kept in iron cage.
After bringing him n other captured SIKHS to Delhi, they were forced to convert to Islam, but in vain.
"Saffron Swords" a Brilliant History book written by @authormanoshi
This book includes unknown stories of Indian History & how our ancestors fought against all foreign invasions to save our Motherland.
Our education system has till now not produced such H book.

Naman to them 🙏
In 1708 Guru Gobind Singh along with family went to Nanded.
Knowing about Banda Bahadur's expertise in war art he was appointed as his GENERAL.
The Guru ordered him to go to Punjab and fight the Mughals.
The spies back stabbed Guru.
Guru bravely retaliated killing one of the spies.
But Guru could survive for only one & half month and took last breath on 7th Oct 1708.