It is a time of amazing stupidity & BS, all the more amazing bec of how wrong & wrong headed it is.
I understand the #fakeDonaldTrump doing this. He is a pygmy with strange powers that in any healthy time would be remanded to the same rathole that Alex Jones and Limbaugh occupy. What is unclear is why so many others in positions of power & trust
More remarkable for watching how willfully blind they make themselves, claiming, laughably, that "I didn’t see the tweet", "I haven't seen the statement". Or worse, refusing as a
The "lowlifes" as Trump calls them are those who are the quislings who have taken the benefits of the offices they were elected to, considered them not as trusts but as theirs to have as their right.
The unrest in the streets, the millions of peaceful protests, including whatever flag burning going on,
And true to form, Trump, the GOP, and their various fellow travelers understand
This issue of the flag was settled long ago. By the S.Court. Though one wonders if the captured court of today would be capable of making the