Unless we say loudly #ChinaIsEnemy , we cannot understand Sun Tzu. He says:
-Do not rely on enemy not likely to come
-Rely on our own readiness to receive him.
Further he says:
-Do not rely on chance of his not attacking
-Rely on our own position unassailable
How do you interpret it keeping #Galwan as case study?
In 1962 India was humiliated. I am fine. What I am not fine is an abject failure as a nation to safeguard our interests
-Have we been ready to receive China at borders? No we relied on the likelihood of his not coming
-Were we prepared for his attack? No, we relied on chance of his not attacking.
Actions during 58 yrs of India post-1962?
Politics reigns to the extent that failures are justified comparing it with failures of 62.
Question retired Chiefs on
-Why are Armed Forces not organised, equipped & trained for a ‘Two Front War’ since 1972?
-Why is LAC so thinly held?
-Why are we not prepared to thwart attack?
-Why did Army not fire?
This is where leadership comes in. We have filled up all star ranks but have produced just two military leaders.
Chiefs, Def Ministers and Prime Ministers have failed BECAUSE #SunTzuLesson2 was not followed.

1. Very mediocre officer class in Army does not throw up leaders.
2. Bureaucrats occupy all higher decision making military hierarchy in MoD
3. Plunder and loot in defence ....

3. Plunder & loot in defence proc, Cantonment lands & Contracts is directly controlled by lawmakers through complex machinery
4. Not developing a frontier, not raising matching forces, not having strong military pays year on year.

5. Making military scapegoat is easily done since hard-gag-orders are in place.
6. Having weak officer cadre helps bureaucrats since no leaders come up. Generals are bought cheaply by offering governorships & ambassadorial posts.
7. In emergency at border getting hundreds of soldiers killed makes no difference and quickly blame is passed to military
8. Emergency funds are released for procurement to handle emergency. Bureaucrats throw procurement ........

9. These bureaucrats order enquiries after stabilisation against very same officers.
10. Why Senior Military Officers vie and die for Public Offices & Promotions
11. Why the ‘Plunder and Loot’ lot never let’s come military officers close to ‘managing’ military
12. Why lawmakers have no capability to direct military to make a 30-40-50 yr plan for INDIA .
#SunTzu said this 2500 years ago. We simply have to understand and implement.
We will not. WHY? Read Lessons 1,2&3 again and again.
Bye before I come to Lesson 4.