After the race was cut short, I considered continuing, asking Bler or someone to snowmachine behind for support, flying home from nome... #qditarod
It felt kinda lonely. #qditarod
I did that.
The race wanted me to bring the dogs to the drop dog/airport area STAT, prolly so we didn’t try to go to Nome.
I felt resistant bc I didn’t want to make them get up after only 45 min of rest, even just to jog a mile or whatever and rest again. #qditarod
I learned that image management is important—even in a dog race. (This is a lesson I’ve learned over and again, I’m not neurotypical and it’s hard for me to grasp how this works)
In retrospect... Not Funny. Don’t make jokes when you’re sleep deprived, Q!
(I know you tried to make me go to bed @KathieEllaB, I love you and I’m sorry.) #Qditarod
Easy for me—not a big drinker.
So it didn’t occur to me the race marshall might face questions about me “going to a bar” to have a burger with fans.
A. Didnt understand pandemic severity at all, tho I did talk briefly with Bler who tried to explain
B. Jokingly called out dude who mightve been a judge later in the course (?? I’m faceblind & still don’t know) for being “why so serious?”
I felt like I was being calm, sane, what my dogs needed, trying to laugh. #Qditarod
But what my dogs needed was a musher with credibility.
I tend to take things super literally, especially when they’re repeated over and again for years by authority figures whose experience I respect. #Qditarod
Something that the marshall would later say he “doesn’t give a fuck about”—& rightly so, except that the words meant to me that he kind of does give a fuck & resents it—also rightly so.
Because I’m not making it anyone else’s problem. (So I think.)
And I’m not “acting out” like some of my friends mushing around me. #Qditarod
I am a relative bastion of calm.
Because the judges know, and fans who are there know, this is a Big Deal. And I’m... not leaving. I’m acting like it’s not a big deal.
That seems -insane-.
To some of those around me, it’s awful: he’s acting so chill while his race collapses. He does not care. He does not respect this race/the sport/my contribution.