He and others fail to understand time. 4/
Also not much for telling time. 5/
You know those 20% of people immune to COVID-19 in New York? They are all the untested people who were infected in March. 6/
But the stop testing-take away health care-its all rosy Administration is taking the lying and praying approach to the pandemic.
Unfortunately they’re also aiding & abetting. 7/
No. He said “America. It’s not as bad as you think.” He’s talking about May. 8/
And he spent some time trying to talk the stock market up. I think it worked about as well as praying away “evil” thoughts. 10/
Unless your last name is Trump, he doesn’t care about you either (& he doesn’t care about you Don Junior.) /11
But in the Oval, everyone wears a mask but one person. 12/
That’s because you’re supposed to pull the alarm when you smell smoke not wait until you see fire. Unless you’re Trump, Pence or one of the 3 not-so-wise men. 14/
Now no contact tracing is possible in Arizona.
You see time. Give yourself time. 17/
“Simple arithmetic.”
I wanted to a say that but see I’m not a smartass. I actually couldn’t find any coherent words worth saying. 18/
But that leads to the next “mathy” point. Exponential growth. 19/

There’s also the concept of exponential math. Things will get worse, much much worse, for every day you don’t change course. 20/
If you don’t understand how 2 becomes 4 becomes 16 become 256 then & you’re a governor, stop what you’re doing. 21/
We are certainly not unique in getting hurt by the virus. But we are unique in not understand the lesson after it unfolded. 22/
Or if in a hot zone, that they close the bars but the numbers keep going up.
But if they play dumb you shouldn’t have to. 23/