A Twitter thread...
I've spent the last 10 years wondering about this. A TED Talk and paper by @segal_eran (refs at end) has completely blown my mind 🤯
He provides some of the answers - but they may not be what you think
Here goes....

Why? Because ⬆️blood sugar after a meal causes hunger and ⬆️wt and is *associated* with obesity, #T2DM, heart disease and death

Good diets change our microbiome and changes persist after the diet stops

There is no single best diet for humans because we are all too different
Your dietary failures may not be your fault, you may be eating the wrong foods for you
How are individuals to know what diet IS right for them?
I can't see an easy solution (yet)
For most people, wearing a continuous glucose monitor is not affordable or practical nor is having detailed biometric testing and personal + microbiome DNA analysis
Obviously, huge thanks +++ to @segal_eran for blowing my mind 👏
His wonderful YouTube Ted Talk is only 19 mins and is here 👇
His much more detailled paper in Cell is here 👇