Finished with bag 1 (which was really several bags, but whatever). We have a solid foundation to build on! I built while the kids got the LEGOs ready.
Done with bag 2! Several support structures are now in place. The 8 year old built while I organized. #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork
Bag(s) 3 done! Some structural supports and some finishes on the front stoop. Kids switched off building and finding. #TheHappiestPlaceOnEarth
Bag(s) 4 complete! Lots of detail added to the back and a lot more ceiling structure. Kids did nearly all of the finding (do I have to?!?) and building. #ItsASmallWorldAfterAll
Divide and conquer was the theme today. One kid did bag 5 and the other did bag 6. They did a great job requiring little assistance and few reworks! Foundation for towers with some fun stuff on the inside. #MakingTheMagic
Needed some @LEGO_Group therapy this morning after cleaning, so bag 8 is done! All detail work on the left turrets. Also Donald got to join his friends. #ItWasAllStartedByAMouse