I don't have a new video but let's do a new installment via tweet thread (I know it's not an innovative idea but I remembered there's science this week)
#13newsnow #ScienceBehind #STEMeducation
Emojis not close to scale so don't come for me.
#13newsnow #sciencebehind #STEMeducation

Earth's axis is on a tilt. Our home planet got a lil' lean to it - and that causes the seasons. We have Summer in the N. Hemisphere b/c the tilt=more direct sun rays
#13newsnow #STEMed

(Photo via my friends [in my head] at @NASAJPL_Edu )

Anyway, my other friends (in my head) at @airandspace say that Pluto's axis is tilted ~119-120°
#PlutoForever ❤️
More info: airandspace.si.edu/exhibitions/ex….
#STEMeducation #ScienceBehind

Although the Moon is smaller than Earth, its gravitational pull is enough to do a little tug of war and alter the date, time and distance of aphelion
#13newsnow #ScienceBehind #STEMeducation

I like to think of it as the moon SLIGHTLY adjusting the planet's wig - really based on how the moon feels that year but we'd be fine without it
#STEMeducation #ScienceBehind
#13newsnow #ScienceBehind #STEMeducation

And remember, Dexter said it best:
#13newsnow #ScienceBehind