But perhaps what we aren't talking about is why (and how) we are obsessed with Bollywood stars to begin with.
The truth is: your parents know more about what's happening in Taimur's life than in yours. ONLY because he's a 'star kid'.
And this machinery depends not on 'actors' but on 'stars'. Because no one gossips about Pankaj Tripathi (thankfully).
In fact, there's a separate category created for them - 'character actors' - to clearly segregate them from stars.
The question is: who'd people pay to watch? Good actor they don't talk about or 'star' they can't stop gossiping about?
But in India, people show up for the 'star', who makes any film a blockbuster. Without stars, our best films - like Masaan - just about break even.
For many (not all) of the best talent on TV, web, or indies, the final destination is that big budget Bollywood film.. not because it's the best film, but because it will turn them into 'stars'.
Stop obsessing about ‘stars’ & gossip.
Stop watching movies of star kids with less talent (*many* have failed this way).
Amplify the interviews and stories of actors you admire.
So let's start putting our money where our tweets and memes are: SHOW UP FOR GOOD FILMS.