imperfect *ta-bniy-u > tabnī
imperative *bni > ibni
Cf. @PhDniX's article on triphthong contraction in Arabic: 2/7…
imperfect *ta-bniy-u > tiḇnɛ̄
imperative *bni > bnē
Cf. my article on these verbs here: 3/7…
imperfect tɛhɛ̆wē 'it will be'
imperative ḥĕyī 'live!'; D-stem mɛ́nnī 'command!'
The imperfect looks like another contraction, with *-iyu > -ē. What about the imperative? 5/7
imperfect *ta-hwiy-u > tɛhɛ̆wē
imperative (G-stem) *hyi >> *ḥyiy > ḥĕyī
imperative (D-stem) *manni >> *manniy > mɛ́nnī.
Thx for reading! 7/7