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The Bot continues, now (while multitasking), with more of Jared's comments from an appearance on @csthetruth, with @LouisLeoIV:
One might say the Korean approach -- to keep as many people as possible out of the country by imposing these very onerous quarantine requirements such as we had to go through
and then assuming that "well, now that all the bad foreigners with the potential as carriers of CV are kept of the country, life can go pretty much as normal and masks are worn in public" -- I don't know, these are just the impressions I've had here,
but it seems to me that there's a different response in South Korea than what is being experienced in the U.S., especially as the number of cases is reported to be escalating in Florida, and in other states.
(Later on in the program, Jason Goodman @csthetruth describes his efforts to contact officials @ Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, the "epicenter" of NYC C.V. cases and the locale of a nurse's viral whistle blower report, without success)
Jared: I think we're in the fog of war, and that's why information is so hard to obtain.

With respect to the Coronavirus, there are three "P's" to keep in mind: pseudoscience, propaganda, and psychology.
I believe that Corona virus is an element of psychological warfare, I think it's being waged in a very targeted and effective manner, and right now it's primarily targeting the United States,
and like all psychological warfare battles, you really have to dig into the psychology and understand how it's affecting people on a psychological level.
I don't think it's any accident that the onset of the Corona virus pandemic was followed by the George Floyd incident and then the protests,
the slogan of which emerged immediately was "I can't breathe". Well, it's the same thing as when you put a covering over your nose -- you can't breathe.
Through the Corona virus operation, people are being placed into this position where they're not able to breathe, which they associate with George Floyd, and the concept of the government stepping on their necks,
and I think it's a way of making people feel powerless, and dehumanized, which is what a face covering does, especially in a society like ours, that doesn't have a custom of wearing them outside,
that may be different in certain Asian countries which have been wearing face coverings for a long part of their history, but it's certainly not part of the history of the West,
so to suddenly introduce a new cultural norm, in society like this, which obscures the face, and impedes breathing, you're doing some very major psychological fuckery, if I may apply a non-scientific term.
I think it explains people's reactions, which are all over the map, but generally you see people doing everything from straight-up compliance to to being really agitated and worked up and lambasting others when they don't comply,
and we've been getting -- the legal team behind this lawsuit

("Josie Machovec, Carl Holme, Rachel Eade and Robert Spreitzer vs. Palm Beach County"…)
(we've) been getting all kinds of hate mail from propagandized individuals who think that we're a menace to society because we're trying to enforce the Constitution,
so when you see a situation where a nurse comes out in front of a camera and describes a specific patient who she believes has been murdered by hospital staff, you have to analyze that video from every angle,
including the possibility that it's counter-propaganda, and describes a situation that doesn't exist. Because, in a war there are people on both sides of every issue, and every battle. So everything has to be scrutinized from that angle. That's what I would say.
There's a desire at the end of the day, to fragment American society into different camps -- and the Corona virus is one particular battle...
it's so important to look at things from the point of view of an objective, reasonable analysis that considers data and actual scientific studies, rather than going off of an anecdote or hearsay, or impressions from either the mainstream media, or social media, or what have you,
and that's exactly what's not being done, in the conversation in the U.S. right now, or in any of the policy-making,
and I think that's the really scary part is that there's nobody helming the ship of state, I mean we're floating there without a rudder, and it's a really scary position to be in.
On Elmurst Hospital, Queens, NYC + the publication by Simon + Schuster of "Undercover Epicenter Nurse" by whistle-blower Erin Marie Olszewski, and liability issues:
I would say that they (Simon + Schuster) know they're not going to be sued, which leads me to believe that Elmhurst is some kind of staging area for this larger operation.
There's a lot of things about Elmhurst, from the fact that's located in Queens, which has this sort of
inherent significance given that it's where the President is from, to the fact that it was pinpointed at the very beginning of the C.V. epidemic as sort of the epicenter,
to the fact that it's very, very hard to get good information out of there -- it seems to me that this is sort of controlled staging area for something, and this is not exactly something that we as outsiders to the internal processes of the Deep State can really know or access
at this point in time, but I'm very suspicious of people who end up on Fox News, or immediately writing best sellers published by Simon + Shuster, because those people tend to be selected -- and I'm not trying to cast dispersion on this nurse,
and I'm not trying to say that anything she did is not authentic or genuine, but it has all of the elements of staging, and I really think the staging aspect of this C.V. is paramount, because it's wreaking psychological havoc on people.
If you want to bring down the United States' society, you don't want people to trust their institutions, and those institutions include hospitals and doctors.
I personally believe that excessive exposure to propaganda manifests itself as a disease -- as brain damage. It is a form of brain damage.
You're assaulting your brain with bad information, and changing the neural pathways, so that your thinking becomes impaired. It's not just information, it's all sorts of symbolic imagery.
(Conversation comes to a close - comments here from all three participants - @csthetruth, @LouisLeoIV, and Jared)


Your constitutional rights don't end where someone else's fear begins. Right. You know what I mean?
We need to remember that and we need to remember that if you don't use your rights, you don't assert them, you lose them. And that's all, if anything that we can, teach people, through this lawsuit is that they do have rights,and they have to respect that because we all share it.
We all share them and their fundamental, especially the right to choose what goes on your face. I mean, my God, I can't believe we have to even explain that to people, but we want the court to rule and to give us a permanent injunction with respect to this mandate,
because it should never never happen again.
I mean, what's to stop them from doing it, if there's no order in place that says you can't, because they clearly believe that this is lawful.
If you listened to the mayor -- I sent you a link here to the mayor's statement following the lawsuit being filed -- he's confident that they're gonna win. And I think a lot of officials are. And I think that, that, that goes back to the qualified immunity issue.
It goes back to this notion of immunity -- many public officials believe they're above the law. They think that they can do whatever they want.
And if you, you know, if they hurt somebody while they're insulated by immunity.
I think we need to take that away. I love the idea of having a qualified immunity act that evens the playing field so that officials can be held accountable for their, for their misconduct or abuse of their power, and violating clearly established law.
I think if any law is clearly established in Florida, it's Article One, rights that we have had for generations.

Yeah. And you know what you're saying, Louis, it takes me back to what Jared brought up earlier that this doesn't seem to be scientifically based. There is a lot of propaganda.
There is a lot of psychological manipulation going on, and it takes me back to this New York times article. This was one of the first real big media pushes towards this, you know, pandemic in New York city and all this, really a apocalyptic outbreak.
Take a look at this. You guys have dealt with medical malpractice stuff, and I know you're not doctors, but I can tell you that they do not put patients in beds with their shoes on. And that's very strange.
And other MDs that I showed this to were literally shocked that a doctor would run a video recorder in the ICU from the standpoint of a cinematographer, I've observed a lot of videos that this woman, Colleen Smith has made,
including a presentation that she gave about simulating trauma. And this woman cannot operate a PowerPoint remote. So, I mean, you know, I know that people are specialized in what they're specialized in, but I don't think she's a very skilled cinematographer.
And a lot of this looks like video that's shot by someone who's trying to make it look like it was shot by an amateur. I also want to point out that New York health and hospitals controls both Elmhurst hospital center and Lincoln hospital.
And there was another nurse who came forward from Lincoln hospital and she was, her name was Nicole. And, um, uh, she was exposing Lincoln hospital. So she was talking about how they're killing. So we do see that they're investigating. This is the first I've seen this.
So a New York city hospital is investigating a nurse for sharing video footage with the intercept. Now, frankly, this is something that the New York hospital should do because although we want people to come forward with information,
...I'm a little bit troubled by these out of town nurses coming to their own conclusions. And I mean, it could be a worthwhile thing for us to have access to, but at the same time, as Jared pointed out, how do we know that these aren't people planting counter propaganda?
I made a serious effort to get in touch with this nurse and the nurse. She said she wanted to speak to people. I couldn't find her, couldn't find her on social media. I found a phone number for one of her relatives...I presume her mom, I called many, many times,
got the voicemail confirming the name, but no answer and no response. So for a nurse who wanted to get the word out, that was very strange to me.
I also want to point out that in the 1960s, in the 1970s, the Weather Underground was very active in trying to subvert the U.S. government.
And I've been talking about this quite a lot lately. I didn't know this until just a few days ago, but, this is from a book about the takeover of Lincoln hospital in the 1970s. And they created their own Lincoln hospital detox center.
And this is where the author met Jennifer Dorn. This is the younger sister of Bernadine Dohrn, right? And they were with the Weather Underground. They had taken over Lincoln Hospital and converted it into a junkie detox center.
It's also very interesting to note that Jennifer Dorn is amazingly on faculty at Columbia university school of nursing...

People did remarkably well. I mean the, the son of the people that were involved in some bombing case, a Boudin is the District Attorney of San Francisco now (Chase Boudin).
Michael Boudin (older brother of Weather Underground member Kathy Boudin) is an appellate court judge. his wife (Martha Field) taught me constitutional law at Harvard. Wow. Yeah.
So these people that were part of a literal terrorist organization in the seventies have done very, very well in terms of ascending the strata of American society.
And so you have to wonder if there's not a intimate and deep connection between those tactics that were honed in the seventies and the propaganda tactics that we're seeing now that emanate from various organs of the Deep State. I think there is.

Well, we don't have to wonder Jared, because we know that there's a very close relationship between Barack Obama and Weather Underground co-founder, Bill Ayres, they're pictured here.
And of course, Barack Obama was mentored by Bernadine Dohrn at the Sidley Austin law firm, Barack Obama's wife, Michelle was the Associate Dean of students at Chicago university where Dr. Colleen Smith was an undergraduate.
So there's remarkable number of connections between all of these people, Louis, you're looking quite intrigued by some of these things. What do you think about what we're saying?

I'm learning a lot, keep going. I welcome the history lesson.

We're almost out of time for tonight, but this is a subject I've been following very closely. And I'm actually working on a, another episode for tomorrow with David Hawkins, where we're going to dig into some of the FBI connections to some of this,
how the Weather Underground managed to evade incarceration, and actually become embedded in the government and state hospital systems.
Bernadine Dohrn issued a audio recorded manifesto to a radio station in which she specifically said, guard your hospitals, guard your universities, guard your children, guard your airplanes, guard your banks.
They robbed a Brinks truck. And Governor Cuomo commuted the sentence of someone who is an accessory to murder in the Brinks robbery, because he met with her for a half an hour and decided she was just driving the car.
So we need to defund police. We need to release violent criminals from jail, put them in charge of hospitals, put them in charge of universities, get them educating the youth in the ways of Marxist insurrection, put them out in the street, destroying public property,
threatening the lives of citizens, threatening the lives of peace officers and law enforcement officers. This is what black lives matter and all of these leftist, Marxist insurrection organizations want...

Shocking. The thing I find interesting is that, you know, the propaganda is all about a mass social distance, but then there are these ad hoc exceptions that are created for Black Lives Matter protests, but not other riots or protests.
I mean, doesn't that really tell you all you need to know that there's an interlocking, interconnected propaganda operation going on.
And that what you're seeing in terms of protest, what you're seeing in terms of the Corona virus mandates are intimately, connected, coordinated, and predetermined.

Absolutely. Look at those charts. We've got a hippie buffet right here. They were literally giving out lasagna and salad and look at how close people are sitting to each other. Obviously, you know, sanitary conditions in terms of bathrooms.
You know, we heard in Seattle, there was feces all over the place and people shooting each other at night. I mean, this is not some peaceful love Fest paradise. This is, you know, anarchy for a day. And after a week, it turns into rule by force and murder.
And if we were to actually follow these mandates and really defund the police, I don't think we'd have a peaceful world...

Anarchy basically. You see the justifications that people give they're like, well, you know, racism is a health issue that trumps the health issues of the pandemic.
I've seen this offered as a justification for why these people you're showing on the video, don't have to walk around with masks and can, you know --

Well, the ironic thing is Jared, most of these people were wearing masks. And actually there was somebody at this protest who photographed me for not wearing a mask, despite the fact that we're outside, it was like 90 degrees.
We've now heard doctors say that above a certain ambient temperature. The thing cannot live, cannot become airborne because the density of the air is such that, you know,
I'm not a scientist, but obviously we're not having the kind of outbreaks that, you know, when they told us in February that this was like the most deadly thing since machine gunfire,
you would think that, you know, people were frightened to leave their apartments much less gathering a cluster like this in a park and roll around in their own filth, eating baked ziti. It doesn't make sense at all.

No. What you're watching are automatons. These are not people that are actually thinking for themselves. They're being prompted to action by intense, intense, intense propaganda.
And it's sad to see, I mean, because in my mind, it's coextensive with the crumbling of American society.

Any last thoughts before we close it out, Jared? And then, we'll hear from Louis.

I really don't have any last thoughts except for this. It's a real privilege to be involved with folks like Louis and the incredible legal team that he's assembled to push this lawsuit forward.
And I would just want to emphasize that if anything is going to change for the better in the U.S. it's going to come from efforts like these, which involve a lot of hard work and facing the serious problems that we are encountering, the diminishment of our rights, head-on
and going into court and standing up taking a stand in public, coming out of the shadows, coming off of the sidelines and doing the right thing.
It's not gonna change if all you're doing is sitting back and chattering about a storm of justice that's supposedly working its way in the background.
And, you know, all this nonsense about sealed indictments that we hear from time to time. And, you know, the Q babble essentially that I think is counterproductive and it makes people passive.
And it actually works against the efforts that people like Louis and other lawyers on his team are really trying to push forward.
And it actually makes me kind of angry when I see that because I think the two things are really cross purposes.
For instance, yesterday, Ghislane Maxwell was arrested and that's gonna generate a lot of excitement, I think, in the Q crowd of, "oh, you know, it's happening, you know, the pedos are being rounded up and Q predicted this and blah, blah, blah."
This is theater. Okay. Ghislane Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, that's all theater.
This woman was running around the U S a with impunity for like a year, right? And, nobody did anything and now suddenly she's being picked up. I mean, why didn't she flee the country? Why didn't she take refuge somewhere else? It's because she's part of it.
She's part of the Deep State effort to distract, to tantalize, to make people think that things are happening in the realm of justice when they're actually not.
People should really just tune that stuff out, okay? Because the important stuff is actually happening on the ground.
It's happening when material changes are made to your life, like you can't run your business anymore, you have to go outside and wear a face mask and breathe, obscure your own identity.
That's where the efforts need to be directed, not at this, you know, Hollywood show business stuff, which is meant to distract.
And, you know, as we're getting close to the election, you're going to see more stuff like this to make it seem like the government that's in power is actually doing something.
But, you know, at the end of the day, I personally think that Trump has been a huge disappointment from the campaign promises he made in terms of draining the swamp and bringing justice against people like Hillary Clinton who have betrayed the country.
And, I think that William Barr chose this particular time to pick up Maxwell after he fired the New York attorney, but it's all political show.
And we're just still going to have rafts of unprosecuted child prostitution and pedophile networks in this country.
This isn't going to change a thing, when people need to really pay attention to lawyers like Louis Leo (@LouisLeoIV), who are actually doing the really hard thankless work of fighting these petty tyrants in court.
And they need your help. They need your assistance, they need your support, they need your attention.
Take your attention off the TV, off the Hollywood style script that's being dangled in front of you and focus on the real legal heroes, which in my opinion, are people like Louis and his team.

Well said, Jared. Louis, any closing remarks?

Thanks, Jared. And, you know, I think Jared and I will likely be working on many more cases to follow. That's my hope, especially in this realm which we've been drawn to.
I don't think anybody really becomes a lawyer and wants to do constitutional law, but when you're faced with the mass deprivation of civil rights under the guise of disease prevention, to the point where now our very right to breathe fresh air is being taken from us.
We really have no choice, but to band together. And, I think that people can learn from what's happening, not just in Palm Beach County, but other counties where people are coming together, they're crowdfunding because our system is so cost prohibitive and,
so volatile, you know, the cost to get, not just from, judgment, but to get past the appeal, is so extraordinary that most people are just deterred from even thinking about it.
But our hope in creating this complaint, was to show not only the court, the law and the science, but to everybody who reads it in the media and the people who come across this can replicate this in their own County to challenge, not just masking mandates,
but any forced medical treatments that includes vaccination. They want to come out with a shot that's never been tested before and pretend like Jacobson, you know, authorizes, plunging that needle in your arm,
something that's completely unsafe and essentially turning, people into Guinea pigs. We stand against that. And, and the public has a strong interest in protecting our constitutional and fundamental rights, not just under the Florida constitution,
but our human rights, inalienable rights as the founding fathers, so eloquently wrote, in our foundational operating system that really hasn't survived this long by remaining silent. Americans have had to fight for these rights and we've had to defend them in court.
We've had to challenge this tyranny in the past, that is nothing new. You know, it's just different today. And unfortunately people have forgotten. They've forgotten about the Anti-Mask League of 1919.
You know, they forgot that the masks that they proposed in 1918 were a bad idea then, and it really hasn't changed. You know, it's a bad idea now and we're seeing people getting hurt by it.
And, if we don't do something, if we don't have these orders rescinded or struck down as unconstitutional, then countless people, countless American citizens are gonna suffer reparable harm.
So, we're obviously going to continue doing what we're doing until we have a judgment, hopefully an injunction against this mandate, which can be replicated in other counties and perhaps other other States who are looking to do the same.
And again, if anybody, wants to help support the cause, or any other cases, any other, mandates that are being proposed or that have been enacted, you can email, and we'll certainly do what we can to help as, as we can.

Thank you to @csthetruth, @LouisLeoIV, and Jared Beck ( for the great conversation!
Here's the show, in full:

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