With respect to the Coronavirus, there are three "P's" to keep in mind: pseudoscience, propaganda, and psychology.
("Josie Machovec, Carl Holme, Rachel Eade and Robert Spreitzer vs. Palm Beach County" documentcloud.org/documents/6961…)
inherent significance given that it's where the President is from, to the fact that it was pinpointed at the very beginning of the C.V. epidemic as sort of the epicenter,
Your constitutional rights don't end where someone else's fear begins. Right. You know what I mean?
Yeah. And you know what you're saying, Louis, it takes me back to what Jared brought up earlier that this doesn't seem to be scientifically based. There is a lot of propaganda.
People did remarkably well. I mean the, the son of the people that were involved in some bombing case, a Boudin is the District Attorney of San Francisco now (Chase Boudin).
Well, we don't have to wonder Jared, because we know that there's a very close relationship between Barack Obama and Weather Underground co-founder, Bill Ayres, they're pictured here.
I'm learning a lot, keep going. I welcome the history lesson.
We're almost out of time for tonight, but this is a subject I've been following very closely. And I'm actually working on a, another episode for tomorrow with David Hawkins, where we're going to dig into some of the FBI connections to some of this,
Shocking. The thing I find interesting is that, you know, the propaganda is all about a mass social distance, but then there are these ad hoc exceptions that are created for Black Lives Matter protests, but not other riots or protests.
Absolutely. Look at those charts. We've got a hippie buffet right here. They were literally giving out lasagna and salad and look at how close people are sitting to each other. Obviously, you know, sanitary conditions in terms of bathrooms.
Anarchy basically. You see the justifications that people give they're like, well, you know, racism is a health issue that trumps the health issues of the pandemic.
Well, the ironic thing is Jared, most of these people were wearing masks. And actually there was somebody at this protest who photographed me for not wearing a mask, despite the fact that we're outside, it was like 90 degrees.
No. What you're watching are automatons. These are not people that are actually thinking for themselves. They're being prompted to action by intense, intense, intense propaganda.
Any last thoughts before we close it out, Jared? And then, we'll hear from Louis.
I really don't have any last thoughts except for this. It's a real privilege to be involved with folks like Louis and the incredible legal team that he's assembled to push this lawsuit forward.
Well said, Jared. Louis, any closing remarks?
Thanks, Jared. And, you know, I think Jared and I will likely be working on many more cases to follow. That's my hope, especially in this realm which we've been drawn to.
Thank you to @csthetruth, @LouisLeoIV, and Jared Beck (gab.com/JaredBeck) for the great conversation!