More CARES Act dollars expenditures; Closed Session item involving a lawsuit on behalf of Comunidades Unidas Por Un Cambio against the County of Fresno. (See below for extensive article on it); Several County Service Area (CSA)items;
Residents from disadvantaged communities across Fresno County
The county has said that it is working on

**Adopt a Resolution to determine the total amount of a Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan in the amount of $4,144,919 for improvements to the residential wastewater treatment facility serving Zone D of County Service Area No. 44 Monte Verdi Estates, to determine that the
1.***Conduct public hearing to receive testimony on proposed additions to County Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Emergency Solutions Grant and Community Development Block Grant programs; and
2.Approve substantial amendment to the 2019-20 Annual Action
Approved with no discussion
*Award Contract 19-S-04 Fresno County Sheriff Area 2 Substation There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. Transfers from the Sheriff’s Vehicle Replacement ($1,000,000) and Net County Cost ($5,349,787) transferred from Interest and
The anticipated contract construction cost for the project, based on the low bid and
August 4, - 9:00 AM August 18- 9:00 AM. No more Supervisors meetings this month.