Despite my previous frustrations, I did appreciate that family tech needs were being acknowledged. So at this point, I was still feeling fairly optimistic.
“Wait!” I thought, “Let’s get back to the 9’ square. Didn’t she just cut physical distance recommendations in half?!?”
I love the way folks talk about screening as if it just magically happens. What I want to know is WHO will conduct screening? Will schools get additional staffing to do this?
Finally some good news!
Also, will state provided PPE include higher grade masks that protect staff better than homemade masks?
Top comments from staff included:
“We need you to stop acting like you are listening to us.”
One good question: Can city provide free Internet? Maybe we should refuse to open until the City can make this happen. Even so, SFUSD must be able to provide tech support to families. It must be built into our curriculum.
REMINDER: We are only SIX WEEKS AWAY from school start in the fall.
The state should be supporting us NOT threatening us.
Based on the position the Governor is putting educators in, I’d say the answer, is: He doesn’t really care about teachers. (Do his kids even go to public school?)
At the very least , I’m wondering how many educators are high risk: over 50, or with a health condition (or living with someone high risk.)
- Getting sub coverage.
- Will teachers get fires if they don’t want to go to schools.
- Concerns for staff who are considered exposed.
This. Was. Not. Reassuring. 😑
Unless you are over 100, YOU HAVE NOT “SEEN THIS BEFORE!”
How will SF City make COVID testing available to all staff, students and families? No answer.
Another note to self: We will need set this up as a criteria for reopening schools.
This is not based on science.
It’s based on them just wanting schools to open. (People need childcare... Goddammit!)
All with a new group of students.
Those were phone calls. Not in-person AND distance teaching with a fresh batch of students.