It can affect anyone, anywhere, of any age
The #AMR Action Fund launched today aims to reverse this trend by supporting the development of new antibiotics

With the AMR Action Fund launched today, the research & development of new life-saving #antibiotics will be strengthened & accelerated, focusing both on priority pathogens & innovative new treatments.
When #antibiotics 💊 stop working effectively, more expensive treatments and hospital admissions are needed, taking a heavy toll on already stretched health budgets.

👩🔬 Develop new #antibiotics
💊 Prevent overuse & misuse of antibiotics
🚰 Provide access to clean water
🩹 Invest in infection prevention and control
The future of #antibiotics depends on ALL of us!
The future of #antibiotics depends on ALL of us!

🔺prevent us from treating serious and even common infections
🔺make surgery riskier
🔺place mothers’ and their newborns’ lives at risk
🔺deplete health resources