A few highlights (thread) -->
(Non-Congress nerds may want to mute)

If you need a refresher on why that is important, see this from @ZacharyGraves: fedsoc.org/commentary/fed…
Folks like @payourinterns & @C2C_DC have been working hard on this!
- cloud deployments
- digital signatures
- digital casework & digital privacy release
- additional voting board displays
- tech to protect members from fraud & abuse online
- Congress-wide automated committee roll call voting system
- exploring possible tuition remission program
- Urging House-wide FMLA policy
- Report on CBO's access to federal data
- Support continued standardization and availability of legislative data (including potential for providing hyperlinks to Congressional Record from floor proceeding videos on Congress.gov)
Encourages pilot of “baseline technology” for new Member offices
- Investments in childcare 4 Capitol complex
- Explore ways to donate unused food to charities
- Study on "Green the Capitol" reducing carbon footprint, eliminate single-use plastic
- Explore feasibility & cost of free hygiene products in House bathrooms