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Mar 17th 2023
📚🤖 Looking to learn more about #AI in #PublicAdministration? Check out this reading list suggested by Prof. Dr. Gabriella Racca (@unito) and Prof. Dr. William Webster (@StirUni) ⬇️

#digitaltransformation #govtech #innovation #publicgovernance #egpa #iias Image
Webster, C. W. R., & Lofgren, K. (2020). The value of big data in government: The case of smart cities. Big Data & Society, 7(1), 2053951720912775.…
Meijer, A., & Webster, C. W. R. (2020). The COVID-19 crisis and the information polity: An overview of responses and discussions in twenty-one countries from six continents. Information Polity, 25(3), 243-274.…
Read 14 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
Gestern fand der 5. Tag Koordinator:innen Digitalisierung. Dieses Jahr mit dem Thema: Die Digitalisierung des Gefechtsfeldes.

👇Hier mein Impuls und wie der @CIHBw unterstützt. 👇

Foto: AL CIT / General Vetter, Frank Leidenberger / GF @bwi_it #govtech #miltwitter
Die vierte industrielle Revolution ist schon längst auf dem Gefechtsfeld in Form von modernen Technologien angekommen.
Und genauso, wie die Digitalisierung für disruptive Entwicklungen in der Industrie gesorgt hat, wir sie auch die Art und Weise verändern, wie in Zukunft Kriege geführt werden. Die Übersetzung von Realität in Datensätze ermöglicht die Automatisierung von Kommunikationsprozessen.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 27th 2021
A couple of weeks ago we launched the #Govtech Leaders Alliance with 13 national and city governments from all over the world

Here are the principles that will guide our work:

1. Support high level political commitments at the int'l level for govtech initiatives
2. Implement #govtech strategies and policies through a whole-of-government approach

3. Foster an adequate environment for the creation and maturity of #startup ecosystems

4. Promote the participation of venture and impact investment funds
5. Work for the implementation of new approaches for #publicprocurement of #digital products and services

6. Promote #agile, #flexible and #innovative approaches for the testing of #regulation and piloting of #newtechnologies
Read 5 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
My colleagues @adityabatra1995, Krishnakumar Thiagarajan, & I have an op-ed in @the_hindu today, on the importance of taking E-governance step-by-step. (Draws on a whitepaper we wrote at @eGovFoundation )…
If you'd like to read the full whitepaper, you can find it at…
We present a 5-level "Maturity Framework" that any city government - as also any department or agency within a city - can use to assess where it stands in the e-governance journey, based on how it is applying tech to improve processes, human resources, & citizen-centricity.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
Lecturas #SemanaSanta: En 2021 se cumplen 10 años desde el lanzamiento de la Alianza para el #GobiernoAbierto. Para celebrar comparto diversas publicaciones que he realizado en el tema (en orden cronológico y en acceso abierto), incluso desde antes que se creará OGP. Abro hilo!
1. Innovación en la Gestión Pública y Open Government (Gobierno Abierto): Una vieja nueva idea.. [2010]…
#OpenGov #GobiernoAbierto #InnovaciónPública #EstadoAbierto #SmartGov #Gobernanza
2. Gobierno abierto y modernización de la gestión pública. Tendencias actuales y el (inevitable) camino que viene. Reflexiones seminales [2011]…
#OpenGov #GobiernoAbierto #InnovaciónPública #EstadoAbierto #SmartGov #Gobernanza
Read 31 tweets
Feb 14th 2021
Luego de un año dirigiendo el @IEMPColombia, renuncié para terminar mi tesis doctoral. Agradezco haber podido contribuir a la administración de lo público a través de la misión del Instituto en gestión del conocimiento para la defensa de derechos y la lucha contra la corrupción.
En estos meses, con el liderazgo de @fcarrilloflorez y el trabajo de un equipo comprometido, comenzamos un proceso de transformación del @IEMPColombia como referente en gestión del conocimiento para la innovación pública, de la mano del proceso de modernización de la @PGN_COL.
Cierro este capítulo con satisfacción, recogiendo los frutos de este tiempo y deseando que el @IEMPColombia continúe creciendo 📈💪 Resalto algunos logros de este año, en el que, entre otros, lideramos más de 140 eventos de formación en línea, con alrededor de 18.000 asistentes.
Read 27 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
This former staffer / #govTech nerd is QUITE impressed with the Hose Legislative Branch Approps bill...

A few highlights (thread) -->
(Non-Congress nerds may want to mute)
$25 million increase in Members' Representational allowances + study on potentially lifting the cap on staff salaries & numbers

If you need a refresher on why that is important, see this from @ZacharyGraves:…
Read 10 tweets
Feb 27th 2020
A session on Governance, Technology & the evolution of civic responsibility at the #SMWLagos2020 moderated by @Bolarinwaiyanu

"How much has technology helped to improve participation in governance"?

#CivicTech Image
Platforms like @TrackaNG, @Connected_dev, @CivicHive have brought more participation from people all over Nigerian in governance!

#CivicTech Image
We can't underestimate the power of technological tools and the influence they have in governance in Nigeria.

We have to keep improving and make sure we scale to the underserved in Nigeria to give them a voice to participate.

#CivicTech Image
Read 3 tweets
May 2nd 2019
Follow me on a little recap of my time at @nycplanning over the last 3 years. I was recruited after @arielmai introduced me to @fuchsnyc . He was building a progressive, data-savvy team focused on analyzing and influencing NYC’s Capital Budget. 1/
@NYCPlanning @arielmai @fuchsnyc The team had been assembling new data products and cleaning up old ones, and the missing piece of the puzzle was a digital platform to make the data more accessible. The simplified dream: see all of NYC’s capital projects on a map instead of parsing through 4000 pages of PDFs. 2/
@NYCPlanning @arielmai @fuchsnyc I like to describe @fuchsnyc as having a clear-as-day vision in his head for what this product could do, but didn’t like his options. (1. Figure out how to get it built in-house in the agency’s IT team. 2. Find money and hire a vendor to build it) /3
Read 46 tweets
Mar 8th 2019
Gather round, children, as I share a timeless tale of fundamentally broken #GovTech:

At the end of 2018, before I started my new job, my fiance explored the possibility of applying for Medicaid until we found a private insurance option that would let her see her doctors. (1/n)
Like many states, Illinois's digital infrastructure for public benefits case management leaves a lot to be desired. So even after we found private insurance, which meant that all we had to do was withdraw her case in their system, I knew I had to set significant time aside. (2/n)
We received a letter containing instructions to access the system. But when we went to the site, the path outlined in those instructions didn't match what was there. Account creation is easy enough to interpret for us, but what about for somebody with low digital literacy? (3/n)
Read 16 tweets
Dec 13th 2017
Thread on London's digital economy - Part of the @LDN_CDO task is making sure major @MayorofLondon strategies are aligned when we talk about data, digital economy, technology & innovation. Today we started a discussion on a new economic strategy…
Our plan starts with strong statement about data: "Data and digital technologies are a key and increasingly vital component of London’s economy, and its public realm."
Because data is the fuel for innovation London and its boroughs need more explicit city data and technology policies to plan a 21st century city for Londoners and businesses.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 14th 2017
1. This time last year on my way to Barcelona #SmartCityExpo I wrote a post on scaling digital change in UK local government - looking at digital and smart city strategies… this year I'm doing a thread...
2. It's amazing how much work has been done to develop a recognisable 'digital ecosystem' with new leadership & plans across the UK
3. Big drive through Metro-Mayors like @MayorofGM & @LiverpoolCRCA hosting Digital Summits to set priorities e.g.… & @WestMids_CA formed a Digital Board
Read 20 tweets

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