"Slim chance"?
If 2m people who go to the gym in a week, 1,000 will have COVID.
It only took 1,356 to spark the UK .pandemic.
He is based at Cambridge University and does the
@NakedScientists podcast for the BBC.
He interviewed by an excellent @ritula on @BBCRadio4 last night. Listen at 9m50sec. bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0…
“Yes. It clearly is,” she replies without hesitation.
This differs from @OliverDowden who says: “At last we can all get down the gym... and burn off Rishi’s meal deal.”
The scientists or the former PR guy who announced this without any experts or even any pretence this was science-led.
On Weds, it was reported that SAGE has been sidelined.
Dowden has made misleading claims before (e.g. about “enhanced checks” on aircraft).
It seems the SCIENCE suggests “no”
“We must avoid high risk environments like indoor spaces with poor ventilation until much less #COVID19 is circulating & we have an efficient test, track, isolate & support system”

“If there is any evidence...um...er... um... instance of things going in the wrong direction, we won't hesitate to take steps.”
Even by there own graph it is’t logical that we are going well beyond ‘Step 3’ when the fact that the R rate is still around 1. #KeepGymsClosed #GetFitOrDieTrying

Given these new findings & the fact many top scientists are expressing concerns, we need to call on the govt to re-examine the planned opening of gyms tomorrow.
1) It is the FIRST TIME they have made an entirely political decision with no attempt to dress it up in science;
2) Despite KNOWING THIS, the media, MPs remain largely silent.
The science is on our side & it seems that even several SAGE members are too.
Join the campaign & spread the word.
@cj_dinenage: I'm not the scientist
JOURNALIST: You're responsible for reopening pools...We spoke to a virologist & he said 3 hours.
CD: Scientists have different views.