@Dr_PhilippaW asked him about it on 11/3, & on 22/4 Hancock said👇
"The scientific evidence DOES show that asymptomatic transmission occurs & that is one of the very significant challenges this virus presents."
This was at a time when people were being transferred from hospitals to care home without testing.
20,000 care home residents died of #COVID19
On the same day SAGE said "asymptomatic transmission cannot be ruled out."
On 26 Feb, @Dr_PhilippaW asked Hancock about asymptomatic spread.
On 6 March, WHO said "80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic."

31/1: Scientific America
26/2: NY Times
12/3: CDC wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26…
20/3: NATURE nature.com/articles/d4158…

"At that point it was not known about the asymptomatic transmission of this disease...Asymptomatic transmission was something the whole world was learning about in this period, but we did not know about it."
"The point the PM was making was that nobody at the time knew what the correct procedures were because we didn't know the extent of that asymptomatic transmission that was taking place.”
Again, the claim went unchallenged
This is surely because routine procedures were cancelled & more elderly patients died in hospital.
But that was BEFORE #coronavirus!
Has the govt been misleading us with figures?
I’ve been collecting the receipts
This includes a thread on the #CareHomeScandal👇which is connected to a much bigger story that pulls all the threads together:
The #HerdImmunityScandal
An Inquiry will take 2yrs & we already have the evidence of what they’ve done & what they plan to do.
Is it all incompetence, or is their method to the madness?
@Keir_Starmer points out that all warnings were ignored & as a result
20,000 died from #Covid19 in care homes. Residents went without tests. Staff were left without PPE.
The PM implies this was because we didn’t know about asymptomatic transmission.
@Jeremy_Hunt asks if ppl could be spreading the #COVID19 asymptomatically.
"Yes, that’s correct."
Writing in @BylineTimes,
@NafeezAhmed & @GreenRupertRead reveal govt breached the ‘precautionary principle’.
The Care Home Scandal is part of the wider #HerdImmunityScandal which, is itself, part of an even bigger scandal.
Ask yourself, is the situation we’re in all down to incompetence?

I call this the #BumblingStrategy
This is not to say he & his govt aren’t also incompetent, but the scandals & the ineptitude are used to mask their big plans.
He also tells us “a terrible truth about politics & human nature”:
That you can “make a good case for any course of action.” #HerdImmunityScandal
If this sounds familiar, that's no surprise.
Terrifyingly, both employ far-right billionaire Peter Thiel's Palantir
No.10 did not reply.
The SAGE minutes were from 28 January @Channel4News #HerdImmunityScandal
He says one possibility is “that there is a large iceberg of people who have asymptomatic infection”.
@CMO_England, did you mention this to @BorisJohnson?