1/ @ReserveBankZIM is expropriating forex, which is a form of property.
This has led to the financial misery of mining companies, farmers & manufacturers.
@czionline @ZEPARU1 @MhonaFelix @ZimFact @PaulNyakazeya @kukurigoZW @newswireZW
When non-exporting entities sell their goods&services locally, they are required 2 bank all their earnings.
The businesses remain in full control of their earnings & the deposits are reported as national savings.
Household&corporate savings are the source of borrowing for a public&private sectors & individuals.

⏩1. private property,
⏩2. public property, and
⏩3. collective property
⏩1. right to use,
⏩2. right to earn income from the good,
⏩3. right to ownership cessation by transferring to others, altering, abandonment or destruction, &
⏩4. the right to enforcement of property rights.
This amounts 2 expropriation. Explanation follows...
Exporters are being asked to surrender forex earned on compulsion or demand by the RBZ.
Here is the evidence...
@brains_muchemwa @kudzie_sharara @kmugova @tatenda_jemwa @PriscaMutema2
a. deprivation has 2 be in terms of a law of gen. application;
b. deprivation has 2 be necessary;
c. acquiring authority has 2 follow the procedure; &
d. deprived party shld be able challenge in a court of law.
i. give a reasonable notice 2 acquire the property,
ii. pay fair&adequate compensation b4 the acquisition of the property or within a reasonable time after the acquisition, &
iii. allow owner to appeal to the court of law.
@HeraldZimbabwe @SundayMailZim @zfu_official @TimbZim @mmawere
i. Due process of the law [s69(1)-(3)],
ii. Property rights [s71(2)], &
iii. Permissible or due expropriation [s71(3)].
Do they deserve to remain in office?
@BrezhMalaba @RespectGwenzi @BusisaMoyo @ShingiMunyeza @TrevorNcube