1/ From the ZW statistics shown, tobacco&cotton are the only agricultural commodities that are being exported that are in the #Top10ExportGoods (2018).
There is need to consider agricultural productivity commercially as a vibrant economic sector.

Ironically this is a carry over from the UDI (1965-79) statist policies. This is against how the market needs to operate.

@ZimTreasury @ZNCCNational @czionline

The chain can be #ProducerDrivenChain or #BuyerDrivenChain.

A market is when two parties meet to engage in an economic transaction of goods&services. The parties involved are the buyer & seller.

Agricultural shows are meant 2 be AgVC Expos & Conferences 4 the sector business activities.

For example in the EU, the #CommonAgriculturalPolicy (#CAP) has specific objectives.

1. European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) by providing income&market support.
2. Rural development policy financed through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
EU CAP, europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes…

The BIG Question is HOW can it do so? This thread is an attempt to answer that.
How is the selling price fixed?
Whom is the Gvt serving between the seller & buyer? Arent both parties in the economy?
⏩Corruption & patronage in the distribution of inputs,
⏩Immediate benefit by selling inputs for cash,
⏩Perennial dependancy,
⏩Non-accountability in usage&output,
⏩Opaque criteria
⏩Fiscal limitations,
⏩Shortage, &
Most people were brought up by the farming credit from the #AgriculturalFinanceCorporation (#AFC) that later collapsed due to mismanagement.
The statist hostility towards a mkt system is killing farming!
Farmers' invitation of the Gvt without defining its role is destroying them