#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebenica25 #Srebrenica25YearsOn @SrebrenicaUK @srebrenicahasan @E74HRG
The rest, including the father, grandfathers, uncles of Imam Ahmed @E74HRG never made it to Tuzla. They were killed by Serbs along the way.
Video too long so I'll upload again at the end.
You can sense death in the air, a feeling that something terrible and haunting happened here.


Unsurprising given the graffiti above and what his soldiers really thought of the Bosnians they were supposed to be protecting.
Dutch commanding officer Colonel Karremans personally accepted gifts of wine from Serb General Mladic
Next to Mladic is his deputy, General Radislav Krstic (smoking)

In 2011 Mladic was arrested. Before he was extradited he was allowed one last visit to her grave. He knelt down and sobbed like a baby.

In 2010 three Muslim prisoners slit his throat, nearly killing him. A jury found them not guilty of attempted murder.

1. Watch the documentary: #Srebrenica A Cry From The Grave at
2. Visit Srebrenica
Singing songs and lighting candles is not enough to prevent genocide.
By equating the killers with the victims to present a "balanced" view, or call for "reconciliation" with an acknowledgement of the truth, we guarantee that genocide will happen again.
May Allah forgive the #Srebrenica victims and reunite them with their families in Paradise while their killers watch in anguish.
Walking through the cemetery and the story of the youngest victim of the #Srebrenica genocide, a one day old newborn girl killed when a Serb soldier put his foot on her until she died.
Walking through the cemetery and the story of the youngest victim of the #Srebrenica genocide, a one day old newborn girl killed when a Serb soldier put his foot on her until she died.