In 2009 I almost died bc of an anesthesiologist’s error during a straightforward cyst removal in the hospital. 1/
I couldn’t breathe.
I was by myself in the recovery area, still hooked up to beeping monitors & scared. And at first no one noticed my 02 levels crashing. 2/
They pumped me w loads of antibiotics & for the first time I had allergic reactions to several. They checked my lungs a lot. Continually scanned me for clots. 3/
But I am lucky. I survived a medical error. I recovered. 4/
Of course I love our healthcare workers & am incredibly grateful for all of the brave doctors, nurses & staff on the front lines of the coronavirus.
I’m in awe of them. /5
#COVID19 is a global pandemic. It’s deadly serious & more devastating every day. /6
Medical errors do happen in hospitals - esp when they are overwhelmed. So my advice is to minimize the risk of needing one. /End