Can write this with a bit of conviction and confidence after spending years tending to postpartum uteri.
The traditional teaching is empty uterus ceases to bleed. Meaning we have been taught to clear out everything from it......
My adage is don't touch the reasonably contracted uterus full of blood clots..
Trust me I have never have to comeback again for second bout of bleeding pv after this regime.
In C-section, if I detect atony, I simply do not allow blood loss...
I have a non pneumatic antishock garment(NASG) for PPH. It gives you time for resuscitation and is a life saver for the patient. Always overestimate the bloodloss despite the natural tendency not to..
Make a protocol and SOP in your labor room.
Conduct regular drills with NASG.
and lastly CONSIDER BLOOD CLOTS IN UTERUS your ally..
Never panic during PPH.
Thank you for patient reading. Questions are welcome.
P.S : never needed balloon catheter for packing