Judge Netburn: We're talking about fewer than 700 documents that contain key players in this case. I have a hard time believe these are not relevant
Meeks: Wheeler was a consultant, Bukowsky was a guest. Many of the hits are about news that has nothing to do with this case, or the DNC leaks.
Meeks: Yes, the one about Seth Rich and Wikileaks, we produced in redacted form. The rest was about other news reports.
Meeks: We're producing the documents about Ms. Zimmerman, so plaintiffs have enough information.
Meeks' colleague Joseph Terry: We could put in a letter about the non Seth Rich documents we withheld.
Barron: If Fox stipulates that it regularly worked with Mr. Bukowsky on politically motivated stories maybe we don't need the documents.
Meeks: But they are not alleging negligent supervision.
Judge Netburn: Could you respond to Fox's claim of privilege?
Barron: No.
Barron: Nothing further from plaintiffs.
Judge: We're adjourned.