This article in @ConversationEDU is fatally flawed by
▪️Cherrypicking data
▪️Misinformation and false claims
▪️Lack of context
▪️Exaggerating harms
▪️Understating benefits…
#vaping is more effective than nicotine replacement therapy in randomised controlled trials and is increasing quit rates in countries such as the UK and US…
▪️Most youth vaping is experimental, short term
▪️Regular use by never-smokers is rare
▪️Nearly all smoke b4 they vape
▪️Vaping is diverting kids from smoking
Youth smoking fell by 25% in 2019 ‼️
This estimate is based on comprehensive evidence reviews by @RCPLondon + @PHE_uk
Switching to #vaping ➡️
▪️dramatic reduction in harmful toxins
▪️substantially reduced 'biomarkers'
▪️improved health outcomes
In the US, promotion is unfettered due to Constitutional barriers. In the UK, advertising is strictly controlled. Australia should follow the UK model
In the doses used in #vaping #nicotine is relatively benign
“it is widely accepted that any long-term hazards of nicotine are likely to be of minimal consequence in relation to ... continued tobacco use” UK RCP
No. It will be easier for youth to buy a #cig than #vape. The black market will flourish and sell to children. Thousands of vapers will return to smoking