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Everyone agrees young people should not #vape or smoke
However, the current fear and panic about youth vaping is not based on the evidence, according to our paper published today in @ijdrugpolicy
Co-author Prof Wayne Hall
In adolescents who have never smoked most #vaping is occasional and short-term
Frequent vaping in this group is uncommon: 1-2% in most international surveys eg England ⤵️ Image
Rather than being a gateway into smoking, #vaping is diverting young people AWAY from smoking overall. Increased vaping is accompanied by an accelerated decline in youth smoking
Eg in the US ⤵️ Image
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.@swr2wissen Unsere täglich Desinformation gib uns heute 🙄

Heute E-Dampfen…

Ein 🧵
#ezigarette #edampfe #dampfen #rauchfrei #THRworks #ecigs #vaping
Prof. Thomasius: "E-Zigaretten enthalten teilweise giftige Stoffe"

=> PG, VG, Aromen und das phöse Nikotin!
Nur komisch, das PG, VG die best untersuchten Stoffe sind und ÜBERALL die Menschen damit in Kontakt kommen.
=> Nikotin ist in der Dosis von Liquids ebenfalls unbedenklich, bei zuviel Dampferei gibt's höchstens mal Kopfschmerzen.
Read 17 tweets
1/ Though my work is on speech issues, those who know me well know that #HarmReduction is an issue I care deeply about. Both because keeping people healthier & alive is good, and because it highlights the danger of overly intrusive govt.

So I want to talk about #vaping & #ecigs.
2/ A section of @POTUS' State of the Union Fact Sheet that didn't make it into the speech addressed the harms of smoking, and the importance of cessation and prevention.… Image
3/ Prohibition has never worked. Instead of failing repeatedly to regulate vice out of existence (which will never happen, and shouldn't be the purview of govt anyway), we should be enabling ways to keep people safer when they do partake in less-healthy activities.
Read 30 tweets
An dem Beispiel in der @badischezeitung zeigt sich wieder einmal wieviel Desinformation zur #Ezigarette herumgeistert und wie man sieht, auch Schüler falsch informiert werden 😱.…

#ezigarette #edampfe #ecigs #dampfen #rauchfrei #THRworks
Eine E-Zigarette "raucht" man nicht, man "dampft" sie.

Nikotin alleine hat in Abwesenheit von Tabakrauch nicht das gleiche Suchtpotential!

Todschlagargument Langzeitstudie... kann man nicht mehr hören. Macht halt niemand.

Immerhin wird vor Manipulation an den Geräten gewarnt.
Liebe Schüler: korrekt, wer nicht raucht, sollte auch nicht dampfen.
Dennoch ist wichtig zu betonen, dass die E-Dampfe hilft, rauchenden Menschen das Rauch aufzugeben.
D.h. wenn die Alternative Weiterrauchen ist, besser umsteigen und dampfen.
Read 6 tweets
NL macht einen riesigen Fehler: Aromenverbot in Liquids wird zu mehr Raucher führen. Die Aromenvielfalt ist der Schlüssel des Erfolgs von #THR mittel E-Dampfprodukte!…

#ezigarette #edampfe #dampfen #rauchfrei #THRworks #ecigs #vaping
Negativ Beispiel San Francisco…
Die DEBRA Studie zeigt, Jugendliche experimentieren zwar mit der E-Dampfe, konsumieren sie aber nicht dauerhaft.…

Von einer "Einstiegsdroge" kann keine Rede sein!
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Und wieder einmal Desinformation zur #Ezigarette in Reinkultur! .@hessenschau…

Inhaltsstoffe in Liquids sind in erster Linie PG, VG, Aroma, ggf. Nikotin.

#ezigarette #edampfe #dampfen #rauchfrei #THRworks #ecigs #vaping
Bisherige Studien haben gezeigt, dass im Dampf der Anteil von Formaldehyd etc. im Vergleich zum Tabakrauch minimalst ist! Die meisten gefundenen Stoffe sind gerade so an der Nachweisgrenze. Daher ganz klar, der Zuschauer wird im Dunkeln gelassen.…
Weiterer Fakt: Raucher, welche auf das Dampfen umsteigen sind faktisch Nichtraucher!

Die E-Zigarette ist ein Produkt zur Tabakschadensminimierung und effektiver zur Erreichung des Rauchstopps als herkömmliche NET.
Das zeigt auch @CochraneTAG…
Read 10 tweets
Guter Beitrag:

»Die Befragten überschätzten häufig das relative Risiko von E-Zigaretten im Vergleich zu Tabakerhitzern und Zigaretten«…

#ezigarette #edampfe #dampfen #rauchfrei #THRworks #ecigs #vaping
"Hier seien ergänzende Studien nötig, um zu verstehen, wie es zu solchen Fehleinschätzungen kommt."

Die Erklärung ist ganz einfach: alle Organisationen im Dunstkreis des ABNR e.V. verbreiten seit über 10 Jahren Desinformation zur E-Dampfe. Sprich sie sind überhaupt nicht Willens
sich mit dem Thema E-Dampfen und #TobaccoHarmReduction auseinanderzusetzen.
Dies spiegelt sich auch in der aktuell S3-Richtlinie zur Tabakentwöhnung wieder.

So kommt es zu dieser verzerrten Risikowahrnehmung.
Read 5 tweets
@JavedKhanCEO #TobaccoIndependentReview
Tried and failed for 20 yrs to stop 🚬, used everything from NRT, hypnotherapy,champix, AlenCarr . Quite by chance read about #Vaping in a Pedelec forum, researched extensively on #ecig Forums, tried over 9 yrs ago,stopped 🚬 in 24hrs. Never 🚬 again.
@JavedKhanCEO #TobaccoIndependentReview
But have also tried HnB products out of curiosity to see if that would also help smokers.
All alternatives should receive encouragement even IF sourced from the Tobacco Industry, the big prize is to help smokers ,by whatever means + what works 4 them.
@JavedKhanCEO #TobaccoIndependentReview
Ludicrous and unjustified EU (and UK) ban on Snus is doing smokers a gross disservice.
Nordic countries such as Norway,Sweden,Iceland have 🚬rates ~5% < a figure that the UK could replicate if ban reversed
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At last count, #COVID19 has killed nearly 800k Americans over approximately 2 years, or approximately 400k a year. Less well known is that smoking is estimated to kill nearly 480k per year. 1/21
There has been significant media focus on a minority of people with inaccurate beliefs about #masks and #vaccines. Finding ways to persuasively communicate accurate health information to these individuals remains a public health priority. @selenasd @CassSunstein 2/21
However, little attention is paid to an inaccurate belief that perpetuates the nearly 480k per year that die of smoking: the belief that #ecigs are just as dangerous as combustible tobacco products. E-cigarettes are in fact substantially safer. 3/21…
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🚨New working paper🚨estimating the effect of #ecig taxes on teens authored with @JCMecon, @Courtemanche_CJ, @AboukRahi, @sammsafford, @AFriedmanPhD Dhaval Dave, Joe Sabia, and Bo Feng. #EconTwitter🧵

Press Release:

Most scientists believe #ecigs are safer than #cigarettes.

Regulating #ecigs such as with taxes therefore restricts access to a reduced-risk consumer product.

#Ecig taxes may reduce #ecig use, but they could also increase the use of more lethal forms of #nicotine.

31 states have enacted #ecig taxes, often with the stated goal of “protecting kids.”

The federal government is considering setting a federal #ecig tax at the same rate as the #cigarette tax.

Read 13 tweets
Appalling journalism @dailytelegraph

'Vape Craze, A Real Drag' 11 June 2021

Gross misinformation from 2 anti-vaping activists. No pro-vaping expert consulted to challenge or correct

No response to my letter to editor to fix it, so here are my corrections

Pls share

1/ 'Switching has not been shown to reduce proven health harms’

NASEM 18-2: 'There is substantial evidence that completely switching from ... cigarettes to #ecigs results in reduced short-term adverse health outcomes in several organ systems'
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Good to see some balance in this article with some commonsense from @AlexWodak

However still some serious misinformation
FYI @janehansen2000
1. #vaping is not a Big Tobacco plot

-BT did not invent vaping
-Vapes are a direct competitor to cigarettes and are a huge disruptive threat to the industry
-BT is mostly focussed on #HTPs
-If BT switches from #cigs to #ecigs, that is good for public health. vaping is 95% safer
2. Popcorn lung has been long discredited

There has never been a single case of 'popcorn lung' from vaping or smoking, and diacetyl levels are hundreds of times higher in smoke than vapour

@CRUKLondon laid this to rest years ago
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@SimonChapman6criticizes #vape advocate for mentioning success, not failure. What's the failure rate of #ColdTurkey, Simon? Not heard you mention that..
#AusTHRInquiry2020 #PH2
@SimonChapman6 criticizes #vape advocate for mentioning success, not failure. What's the failure rate of #ColdTurkey, Simon? Not heard you mention that..
#AusTHRInquiry2020 #PH2
Read 203 tweets
What Skerrit is saying in regard to not bringing #tobacco under the prescription model is complete rubbish. The @TGAgovau site explicitly mentions novel #nicotine products - #SLT & #HTP.
Huh.. @hollieahughes just said they're due to report by /18th/ December. I'd thought it was the 1st of December.
Emily Banks 'sum total of world experience' .. yeah, with some heavy #CherryPicking.
The Oz #ANTZ /all/ seem to be loving 'the #GatewayEffect' which is a 'real thing'.. 🙄
Read 137 tweets
#TipsofTheDay em #COVID19 para pacientes com doenças crônicas pulmonares como #DPOC ( #BronquiteCrônica / #Efisema), #Asma, #CFPE, ##FibrosePulmonar Idiopática #FPI & Outras doenças crônicas respiratórias via @atscommunity ( Siga o fio 🧶)
📌1) Se você ou alguém da sua #família possui um desses diagnósticos: Siga as recomendações do seu #Pneumologista, seu #Reumatologista seu #infectologista ou do seu Médico de confiança.
📌 2) Tome seus medicamentos regularmente conforme orientação Médica.
📌 3) Caso você ou seu familiar use um #nebulizador tome um cuidado extra pois caso tenha algum sinal de virose respiratória nebulizar pode ser um fator de contágio inclusive de #gripe, #COVID19 e vírus de #Resfriado comum!
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The plan to ban #vaping is a disaster for public health

This article in @ConversationEDU is fatally flawed by

▪️Cherrypicking data
▪️Misinformation and false claims
▪️Lack of context
▪️Exaggerating harms
▪️Understating benefits…
“evidence for #ecigs helping people quit smoking is inconclusive”

#vaping is more effective than nicotine replacement therapy in randomised controlled trials and is increasing quit rates in countries such as the UK and US…
#cig use in US secondary schools increased 78% in 12m”

▪️Most youth vaping is experimental, short term
▪️Regular use by never-smokers is rare
▪️Nearly all smoke b4 they vape
▪️Vaping is diverting kids from smoking

Youth smoking fell by 25% in 2019 ‼️
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1/ Well, this is embarrassing!

Anti #vaping groups congratulate themselves aon the #nicotine import ban, THE DAY BEFORE it was reversed

Numerous factual errors need correction

@tobaccofreeaust @CancerCouncilOz @heartfoundation @_PHAA_
2/ "tobacco industry application to relax poison controls and greenlight the sale of novelty tobacco products being heavily promoted to young people in the US"

NO. This is for heated tobacco products NOT #vaping. #HTPs have been approved by the FDA.
Please learn the difference
3/ "unfounded claims about the benefits of #ecigs in smoking cessation"

NO. The evidence is very clear that vaping is more effective than other quitting aids and could significantly reduce Australia's smoking rate
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I’m no virologist but I’m a drug scientist so here are my expert recommendations regarding COVID-19 and substance use. (1/11)

#COVID #coronavirus #COVID19US #drugs #alcohol #drinking #cannabiscoronavirus #ecigs #vaping #coffee #psychedelics #QuarentineLife #harmreduction
Your immune system and behavior not only affect you – they play a vital role in making sure our entire species is able to successfully battle this virus and minimize the number of deaths, because you are a potential vector for transmission. (2/11)
If you've been thinking you need to stop your heavy use of a substance, now is a critical time to claim your birthright as a human and gain full agency over your choices. Regardless of your use level, here're some pointers regarding substance use during this pandemic: (3/11)
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Following a long line of articles from #TobaccoControl types who completely fail to 'get' #TobaccoHarmReduction, @LauraRossouw chimes in to prove she can misunderstand it up with the 'best'.
So let's look at a brief overview of the article..
Firstly, the title itself. Not only do #THR advocates support (sensible) regulation on #eCigarettes / #vaping, but there are, in most countries, a variety of legacy consumer protections that apply to them (e.g. standards for electrical goods or standards for labeling poisons).
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Subsequent to a COAG ( meeting, the state government of Victoria is doubling down on #nicotine #vaping.
Some quotes from @VicHealth in "#ElectronicCigarettes containing #nicotine" (…)

"The Poisons Code lists #nicotine (for human use when it is a Schedule 7 poison) as a substance that is not for general sale by retail. ..
.. This decision was made on the basis that #nicotine for human use is a dangerous poison, and electronic cigarettes have not been assessed for safety, quality or efficacy."

So .. obviously #NRT has been assessed. #Cigarettes? Oh, my bad - they're EXEMPT from the SUSMP!
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After hearing what @joegrogan45, Director of Domestic Policy Council, said last week about @FDATobacco regulating ecigs, it seems he may be interested in a way to split #ecigs and #vaping into a few categories. THREAD
Correct me if I’m wrong, but @FDATobacco could ammend the deeming rule and exempt certain types of products. This would also take a lot of work off their plate. They could exempt components sold separately like e-liquid, atomizers, mods, etc.
Products sold with strict age verification at adult only vape shops and online stores. They could decide to only apply the PMTA to a finished e-cigarette product that is sold all together. For example a prefilled cartridge system that includes an e-liquid, battery, atomizer.
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Hi, @FrankPallone

I was one of the alleged bots #NotABot defamed for that @JoeSmyser @DrArturoNJ @NicholsonForNJ @PublicGoodProj @WSJ report.

Shall I expect an invite to @EnergyCommerce offices to sign in, in person, to my account?

We can also discuss manipulation of #data.
@FrankPallone @JoeSmyser @DrArturoNJ @NicholsonForNJ @PublicGoodProj @WSJ @EnergyCommerce 👈#NotABot we can discuss allegations as to why I and other's data has been used to accuse innocent people of committing what I consider crimes @JoeSmyser @DrArturoNJ @NicholsonForNJ @PublicGoodProj @WSJ @EnergyCommerce like marketing to children.
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@realDonaldTrump @SecAzar @FDACommissioner @CDCDirector @Surgeon_General
After all the sensational stories, #smokers of #America need assurance that it is safer to #vape.
Please implement something like described in "#THR messages targeted to smokers".
(And please excuse the parts about #GraphicWarnings & the British accent narration, I had very little budget & made it for an international audience.)
Of course, a message for #American #smokers would feature different messages. Here are some messages suitable for inclusion as inserts in #cigarette packs. 1/
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@SarahWhisar says about #vaping 'The 95% factoid was a consensus OPINION reached by a small panel, some of whom had conflicts of interest - it is not at all evidence-based'

My response in the thread below
1/8 With respect Sarah, that is a misleading response which omits the full story. The 95% figure was first developed by leading experts based on the best available evidence at the time in a validated MCDA process. @ProfDavidNutt replied to the criticism
2/8 It was then independently confirmed by @PHE_uk in 2015 and 2018 based on
The toxins in smoke
1. are most absent from vapour
2. Those present are mostly <1% of smoke
The main chemicals that are in #ecigs-only are not associated with any serious risk
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