You: What can you take off my plate to make this possible? Repeat if nec.
Right answer: a course release.
Wrong answer: anything that has to do with “expertise,” and “appreciation.”
Dean/Chair: 1) a research assistant/team or 2) your @NCFDD tuition or 3) do you want to go to @TheOpEdProject or . . .
Wrong answer: b/c of Covid we don’t have such resources . . .
1. Does this support or advance my own and BlPOC faculty/students communities larger goals?
2. Who is on the committee and who is leading it?
3. Is it advisory or will it have the power to implement?
4. Will you get faculty lines, grad student stipend 💰?
6. Is there a baseline budget attached to the task force? Or are these budget neutral recommendations?
7. Ask yourself: is there another more effective way I can add to or influence this conversation?
Some institutions will make imp changes as a result. Some will do nothing/nada.
You can say no.
There’s lots of ways to say that, here’s one: “My focus is really on my scholarship right now.”