It is said that the mothers of would-be Tirthankaras witness 14 auspicious objects in their dreams. Mata Trishala also had these dreams, which filled her with wonder. She told King Sidharth about the dreams. He told her that these dreams seemed very auspicious.

This dream indicated that her son would be highly religious and spiritual teacher. He would help cultivate religion.
#JaiJinendra #Jain

This dream indicated that her son would be as powerful and strong as the lion. He would be fearless, almighty, and capable of ruling over the world.


This dream indicated that the child would lessen the suffering of all living beings. He would bring peace to the world. He would help the spiritual progress of humanity at large.

This dream indicated that her son would have supreme knowledge and would dispel the darkness of delusions from the masses.

This dream indicated that her son would be beyond worldly attachment. He would help liberate human beings who were tangled in the cycle of birth, death, and misery.

This dream indicated that all of the Angels in heaven would respect, honor, and salute her son’s spiritual teachings and they would obey him.
#24Tirthakara #Jinanand #Jain

This dream indicated that her son would have infinite virtues and wisdom and he would attain supreme spiritualism.
#24Tirthankara #Jinanand #Jainism #Jain