There's so much you can do to protect yourself from getting infected and from passing #COVID19 on to others.
-Dr @mvankerkhove
🧼 after coughing or sneezing
🧼 when caring for the sick
🧼 before, during & after you prepare food
🧼 before eating
🧼 after toilet use
🧼 when hands are visibly dirty
🧼 after handling animals or animal waste

✅ Wash your 🖐🏼 with 🧼 and running water when hands are visibly dirty.
✅ If your 🖐🏼 are not visibly dirty, wash them with 🧼 and water or use an alcohol-based hand cleanser.
#coronavirus #COVID19

Use 🧼 and 💦 for at least 40-60 seconds
How to handrub?
Use alcohol-based handrub 🧴 for 20-30 seconds
📣 Join our #SafeHands challenge & help us keep the 🌎 safe from #COVID19!
We look forward to watching your videos!

Keep at least 1m distance from others.
Here are some alternatives to handshakes, hugs and high fives during the COVID-19 pandemic ⬇️
Which one is your favorite?
#COVID19 #coronavirus

There are certain places where #COVID19 spreads more easily:
1️⃣ Crowded places
2️⃣ Close-contact settings
3️⃣ Confined and enclosed spaces