h/t to @niubi, who flagged this in his Sinocism newsletter.
It’s the lead article on all China’s major state media channels right now – CCTV evening news, Xinhua, People’s Daily, etc. Everywhere.
Instead, it’s just a series of 18 extended quotes strung together from Xi Jinping’s speeches and reports over the past seven years.
But the REAL thrust of this is about Xi. Look at the language in the accompanying explanatory piece by the Qiushi editors.
The “two upholds” are integrally related. Upholding Xi’s core role is to uphold Central Party authority & centralized unified leadership, and in order to uphold Central Party authority & centralized unified leadership, one first must uphold Xi’s core role.
The content & requirements of “two upholds” are clear: upholding Xi Jinping’s core role, with the focus of that being Xi Jinping & no one else; upholding Central Party leadership, with the focus being Party Central & no other organization.
"Keep an eye out for any sign that Party institutions themselves are being marginalized. Since 1978, we have become accustomed to China’s leaders exercising power through more regularized channels ...
(2019 epilogue)
Now think back to the kinds of issues & internal turmoil that China faced the last time this happened ...