Most important property of aerosols is size. Bc mass increases with the diam^3, aerosol properties change dramatically w/ size
But real size for droplets falling that quickly is > 50 μm, so 10 times the size and 1000 (!) times the mass
Which is curious, given that pollen ranges in size from 15 to 200 μm! (…).
Clearly we are as safe with these authors and aerosol mechanics as ppl would be if I just started giving medical advice.

I agree with that, but that is not what we think aerosols are doing for COVID-19. Aerosol transmission, but with much lower contagiousness than e.g. measles (ballpark x 20 less).
This is reflective of the same misunderstanding discussed above. No clear conclusions about the modes of transmission emerge from that observation.
Except that they seem quite common: (…,… and studies linked therein).
Side point: “Reviewing the literature on large droplet transmission, one can find no direct evidence for large droplets as the route of transmission of any disease”…

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