▪︎Organize - Coordinate with other Christians. Make goals and plans to achieve those goals qualified by Christian morality. Work out how to be flexible to help others in righteous cause.
▪︎Act - In what capacity you physically can.
You help distribute resources.
You help coordinate and distribute information.
You help producing food, clothing, ammunition, and shelter.
You watch children, the disabled, or the elderly for others.
You engage in competent research for the cause.
You engage in lawsuits against the enemy.
You engage in organized civil disobedience counter to unrighteous govt edicts.
You engage in public demonstrations that clearly convey Christian values. i.e. prayer, charity, protection for the vulnerable.
You provide medical assistance.
You provide transportation assistance.
You provide legal expertise.
You provide labor - erecting and/or taking down barriers, carrying supplies, setting up equipment, cleaning up after a gathering, etc.
You put yourself between a threat and the people or objects which need protected from that threat.
You track down/find/detain criminals online or on the streets.
You press criminal charges against criminals.
You infiltrate their ranks and leak info.
▪︎Stop spending your wealth contributing to the enemy's coffers. Your entertainment and convenience aren't worth your country, freedom, and culture in exchange.
▪︎No more sloth. Stop wasting time. Either contribute directly or to the efforts of others.