Thanks to everyone who completed this Public Opinion survey on the Impact of Covid-19 in Uganda.
Here is a summary. 👇 Let me share a ka small thread here to delve into the details and methodology. #Covid19UG
Most (70%) found these Presidential addresses helpful.
However, 22% if respondents neither approved nor disapproved and 14% approved of the NSSF response.
Disapproval was stronger in the area of Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono than the rest of the country.
1st, here is another look at our sample. We've accounted for the employment situation and monthly expenditure of our respondents to give an idea of the financial bandwidth they're working within as they manage the economic shock. 👇
19% lost their jobs
31% work hour reduced
6% work hour increased
26% pay reduced
1% pay increased
23% worried they may lose job/business
25% worked from home
Note demographic differences.👇
It's interesting that women & people upcountry report losing jobs more, & people in the urban centre work from home more, but when we break down the sample smaller, the margin of error increases.
60% spent from their savings
51% reduced their spending
26% failed to pay back debt as planned
22% took on more debt
12% sold assets
23% missed meals because of #Covid19UG
44% Strongly disapprove
20% Disapprove
12% Neither approve nor disapprove / not sure
10% Approve
6% Strongly approve
9% Do not know what a "scientific election" means
52% Postpone the election
42% Hold the election as scheduled
5% Other (Please specify)
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