Instead, many able Arab spokesmen spoke in their name over the decades.
UNRWA & ANERA spokesmen made the Palestinian case to the press & Congress. Zogby, Abourezk, Mohammed Mehdi, John Davis were attacking #Israel constantly.
I never forgot the Chair of the Conference of Presidents, Rabbi Israel Miller, testifying to McGovern's ME subcommittee..
One other witness -- the head of Breira -- who played McG's anti-Israel game.
Pete, there was never a time when the Palestinians' case was unheard. The Spox were a long roster of NGOs, church gps, the "Arabists at State," CIA.
Why'd he abruptly close it and move to Chicago? Not because he couldn't get an audience in DC.
Maybe it had to do with sharing the building with Libya, under FBI scrutiny?
"The goal of our struggle is the end of Israel, & there can be no compromises or mediators …"
Yeah, his message of peace wasn't heard.