If saving lives is important to your mayor & governor, they need to be early to action. 1/
Zach is my #inthebubble co-host. Also he’s our 18 year old son (on the left). 4/

Zach looked at me as if I wasn’t very smart as he often does. 5/
Ok smarty. What if the R goes to 1.3?
That can’t be right I said, proving his assessment of me correct.
How about 3.3?
He and his high school brain (& calculator) left me with my jaw open. 6/
He was doing an excellent job hiding how impressed he was. 7/
He nodded & threw me a goldfish. 8/
And Zach if you go to a party or a bar & get crazy, you alone can be responsible for 150,000 infections.
And 3000 deaths, I know dad. 9/
Here’s how. Say there are 1000 cases in a community. In 10 generations there would only be 28 cases entirely!10/
From @NPR

Every day you put on a mask, think to yourself, “I rock. I may be saving 20 people’s moms or dads today alone.”
This is how I think about #Zachsmath. 12/
In March, when they each hit 1000 cases, NY waited 6 more days before acting than CA. And ended up with 10x the cases. 14/
You don’t get to take May off because you did a good job in April. 15/
Listen to him or many other views here. Smarties.it/inthebubble 16/

And going too early makes sustaining it more difficult. 17/
Get to a low case count. Then test & contact trace. Without that, we are in this endless cycle we’re in now. Good-bad-good-bad-open-close-open. 18/
But then again, I point to the earlier analogy. 20/
In Florida, the only way to communicate with the state about life & death is to talk about the impact on tourism.
They care about #Floridamath. 22/
Make when now. At least per Zach. /end