And we could do it in a matter of weeks. If we want to. 2/
1. start with universal mask wearing. We didn’t do this in Mar-April and let’s chalk it up to faulty instructions. But we know better now.
2. Keep the bars & restaurants & churches & transit closed. All hot spots.
3. Prohibit interstate travel10/
5. Have hotels set up to allow people with symptoms to isolate from their families at no cost.
Meaning most of the Americans who couldn’t stay home in April because they were picking crops or driving trucks or working in health care would stay home with us. 12/
Our grandparents who lived through a decade long depression, a 6 year world war, or whatever hardship they faced in their country would tell us we would make it.14/
You could even enjoy some of your time in the bubble. 15/

At first, absolutely nothing.
Cases would still grow from the prior weeks & the incubation period. Hospitals would still be full. We would still see people die.
The COVID truthers would have a field day, tweeting every day the same routine. 16/
“We need to liberate”
“We’ve been doing this & nothing’s happening”
“More people are dying from non-COVID than COVID”
But if someone took Trump’s phone, it would help. 17/
While this is the first time you may have ever uttered these concerns, your passion & commitment to funding them once & for all is appreciated.)18/
Or just multiply 60,000 x .5. And then .5 again until you do it 10 times. Like Zach does. And other high schoolers. 20/
A small enough number that someone in the health department in a big city could call them on the phone in one morning.
In a small city, you could feed them w 2 large pizzas.
In a small town, it would be Earl. 21/
In this case Earl would be fine because everybody would bring him soup and check in on him. 22/
Plenty to test everyone going into work, to school, to church, to an event. And if there’s a stray case or a dozen, we would find it in a day. 23/
And if anybody tests positive, they would isolate, either at home or if there’s not enough room, in a hotel. 24/
People who have suffered mental health crises? They could begin to deal with them.
The light at the end of the tunnel would be blinding. 25/
This is done mostly with the things we were born with or are very low tech. The ability not to breath on people. A mask. Common sense. (Yes I’m beginning to recognize the flaw.) 28/
It will take a while for societal norms like these to develop but we can operate the way we did with tobacco control & build the norm. 30/
We could manage the illness by exception not with a broad brush. 31/
But of the 4000 weeks of your life, it’s a fraction of a percent so that many more can have many more weeks. 32/
But that may be the wrong way to look at it. A vaccine just makes this easier to do. It allows more people to circulate with the same positive impact. It’s a tool not a panacea. 33/
I’m not willing to lose 500,000 mostly older & low income people. And subjecting 10s of millions to chronic illness to protect a right you didn’t know you had 3 months ago.37/
But there’s not much question if we should. /end