3 Petitions were filed against the conduct of CET during the pandemic.
1) Group of Students and NSUI
2) Adv Pradeep
3) Adv Abdullah Mannan Khan
#RefundExamFees #StudentsInSCAgainstUGC

#KarnatakaCET #CET2020

Did you approach the Govt with a representation?
Pet Adv Abdulla Manan: On the contrary, many students don't want to give the exams right now.
Bench: Will you have exam centers in Containment Zones?
AAG Chinnappa: No, Milord.
Bench to Petitioners: Your petition is not maintainable. You have not gone to the Authorities.
Court: It is true that petitioners have approached the Court very late. But considering the drastic rise in covid-19 cases, the State Government has to immediately reconsider its decision of conducting KCET exam. There is a possibility of students missing out on the exam
Matter adjourned to July 29.
#RefundExamFees #StudentsInSCAgainstUGC @anubha
#CET #Karnatakacet #kcetpostpone2020 #KCET2020