I'm represented by @MarkSZaidEsq & @BradMossEsq. The case is before Judge Amy Berman Jackson in DC.

We have narrowed our challenges to privacy withholdings (#FOIA Exemptions 6, 7C, and 7D).
I've uploaded our response to my website: trump-russia.com/wp-content/upl…
1. Did the Government broadly withhold information concerning the Trump Organization on the basis of privacy interests?
2. If so, are those privacy interests outweighed in the present case?
Did Ivankov’s gambling at the Taj Mahal result in scrutiny of the Trump Organization itself?
We believe the answers are of considerable public interest.
Please retweet if you agree.
This raises a question that @gregolear and others have asked:
Was Donald Trump a confidential source for the FBI on Russian organized crime?
See this story by @JasonLeopold: buzzfeednews.com/article/jasona…